Chapter Nine

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"It's my turn to spin" Luka exclaimed as he reached for the spinner.

Marinette rolled her eyes playfully and her muscles twitched as his hair tickled the underside of her arm.

"Right foot green" He informed, feeling her glare burn a hole through his head.

Marinette struggled to cross her right leg over her left and go down as far as she could without touching the ground. Her feet just barely brushed the green. Her arms quivered as they began to tire.

Beads of sweat ran down both of their faces. They were only on their third round of Twister, but the way their muscles were stretching and being pulled was draining.

"Okay," She grunted, bending her arms as she reached for the spinner, balancing her weight on her left hand. "Right-hand yellow."

Luka wobbled for a second, attempting to balance himself. The position they were in was already awkward, that was justing icing on top.

Luka's body was backwards so that his stomach faced the ceiling and half of him was under Marinette's body. Her legs crossed over his, and their arms made an "x".

"I got this, I got this, I-" He failed to reach over and his body crashed to the ground, dragging her down with him. "Don't got this." He groaned.

Marinette pushed herself up, pulling her legs out of the painful position. Her arms were on either side of Luka's head and her lips hovered over his.

His lips were chapped, and she couldn't help but wonder what they would feel like on her own. Adrien's were always soft, one of his perfect qualities. But then here was Luka, not in perfection a hundred percent, pulling her in.

"I don't think we should play this anymore" Marinette giggled as she pushed herself off from on top of him.

His scent was so thick, it swirled around her head and every time she inhaled, it was followed by a blissful exhale.

"Alright, fine. How about instead we play would you rather" Luka huffed as the sound of tires squealing played in the background.

"Alright, alright. But I go first this time" Marinette stated, pushing herself up.

Luka nodded his head in agreement and the two began to get ready to settle down. The lights were turned off, the game was put away, and pillows and blankets were thrown on top of each other.

It was only eleven o'clock and they were already on "Tokyo Drift". Marinette's blanket pooled around her neck and Luka's draped over his head. The gentle scent of popcorn still hung in the air, and the fruity taste of gummy bears remained in her mouth.

"Would you rather live in poverty until you're eighty or live in riches until you're forty?" Marinette felt her smile widen as she watched him consider the different options.

"Well, I guess it depends" He shrugged finally, his blue eyes flickering to the tv.

"On what?" The bluenette pried, snuggling herself into the mountain of pillows behind her.

Luka glanced at her, holding her eyes as he responded.

"If you were in either of those lives."

Eight little words caused her heart to flutter and her eyes to widen slightly. Darkness surrounded them except the dull light the tv offered. Marinette hoped he could see her face flush.

"Okay, my turn. Would you rather.........." Luka trailed off, thinking of something good. "Get stabbed by needles every time you made a new outfit or every time you show your outfits on a catwalk, you trip."

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