Chapter Eight

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Luka picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his stomach, and her arms clutched as his back while she buried her face into his neck.

He brought them over to the couch and maneuvered himself so that he was sitting down and she was sitting on his lap.

He tucked her head under his chin and refused to let her move until her breathing turned back to normal.

"No one was going to love it more than me" Marinette sniffled, curling up into his chest, using the palm of her hand to wipe the tears away.

"We were so excited. It wasn't planned, but when are the best things really ever planned?" She stared at her lap and watched her fist clench.

"You don't need to tell me," Luka told her, momentarily tightening his grip around her. "Don't force yourself for me. You'll tell me when you're ready."

Marinette knew the truth was that most of it wasn't even about him. Him comforting her was so sweet, but this was more about the breakup. The look Adrien had in his eyes when they came back from the hospital that day, it shattered her heart into a million pieces.

Marinette sniffled before she opened her mouth. She closed it and rested her head on his shoulder. The fashion designer hoped that he couldn't feel the shivers that wracked her body, knowing fully well that he could.

"Marinette I-" Keys rattled at the front door and swung open, cutting Luka off before he could continue to speak.

"Uncle Luka!" A little voice cheered.

The two jumped as they looked over the coach to see Jueklea and Rose with their adopted son, Weylyn.

Weylyn ran around the couch and jumped on Luka without hesitation, laughing in the process. Luka made an mppff sound as he hit his chest.

"Wey!" Luka exclaimed, using one arm to hug Weylyn back.

Marinette maneuvered herself so that she was just at that angle that wouldn't allow Rose and Juekla to see her face.

She watched as Weylyn sat on his lap and began to talk non stop. Luka smiled and nodded his head, laughing when the little boy smiled proudly.

Wide green eyes turned to Marinette, tilting to the side. She felt her face begin to heat up as attention turned to her.

"I was going to show you, but the soap is under the sink to the right." Luka said , quick to speak before Weylyn could. "I can't believe I already ran out."

He gave her a smile, but he raised his eyebrows and looked behind her.

Marinette turned, realizing through her confusion that he meant the bathroom. She could not have wanted to thank him more.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sure I'll find it myself" The bluenette said slowly, careful to make sure her voice didn't crack.

She pushed herself up and walked towards the small room before Rose could ask what was going on. The door shut behind her and Marinette looked at the mirror.

She needed to clean her act up. She couldn't keep dropping all of her tantrums on Luka like she had been in the last twenty-four hours.

A gentle rapping came from the other side of the door before it opened. Luka stepped in, making it so he kept the others from looking in. His back pressed against it as she turned her head away from him.

"I'm sorry" Marinette mumbled, dragging a hand over the exposed skin on her arm. She could feel the warmth he provided for her not moments before fade from her quickly.

"For what? Being upset?" Luka shook his head and stood in front of her.

Marinette had to look up to see his face, he was good several inches taller. And she secretly loved it. He was standing close to her, so close in fact that she could feel his cool breath brush across her face.

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