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In evening, Jung-kook took Tae-hyung favourite food to his room, though Jung-kook really not care about his so called brother but somewhere he had a soft corner for Tae-hyung in his heart after all he is his brother.

Jung-kook knocked on the door

Who is it?, "Tae-hyung voice came from inside"

Ummm..... You should eat something I guess it's been whole day and I don't think you like to get sick because of not eating, "Jung-kook said"

Leave me alone.... "Tae-hyung replied back"

Oh... no... I can't do this cause you know we are partners for our next work and if you will become sick then it will mean that I have to work alone which will then result in creating a problem and maybe a slap from my father which I really don't want to have...... Specially on my this handsome face. I don't wanna let down my father, so ya hurry up open the door and eat something, "Jung-kook explained"

Uh..... ya of course no body cares bout me you all are same, selfish, mean....... Leave me alone ........, "Tae-hyung shouted"

Jung-kook sighed and left the tray on the floor in front of the room.
Alright..... You can come out whenever you feel hungry, "jung-kook said and start walking"

Jung-kook then heard the sound of door opening, he turned around and saw that the tray was disappeared from there, Jung-kook can't help but chuckled a bit,
"Just a child he is, "jung-kook said to himself and again start walking.

Jung-kook: Umm hey..... dad am going out for a bit

Mr. Jeon: are you telling or asking me?

Jung-kook: not again..... It's already mid-night and half of the roads are empty so there is no need to be worry about.

Mr. Jeon: Ah... I see, sure go ahead but remember you have a work to do tmrrw with Tae-hyung, hope he is fine now?

Jung-kook: Hahaha.... really dad, you asking whether Tae-hyung is fine or not after what you did to him today, don't pretend that you care about both of us, stop playing with Tae-hyung emotions dad......

And with this Jung-kook left the house, leaving his father behind staring at him.

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