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 Here the girl is Jennie, I haven't mentioned her name so dont get confuse                 

                        4 Years Back

(Scene after Tae hyung left the mansion)

Tae hyung

I was drunk and driving the car in a very high speed....

Ahhh...... I took another sip of my alcohol
Why?..... I drived like a crazy man and after that everything went blank.....

Tae hyung.... Omg.... Wake up, "A voice came" But I was too unconscious to see who was there....

Few hours later

Tae hyung

I woke up in a room, with some beeping sounds of machine and a needle being attached in my arm, I was growling in pain, I tried to reach for my arm to take out the needle but a hand stopped me.....
It was that girl from my class

What the hell.... And how I am here? and why? "I yelled"

You are not well.... You met with an accident maybe you was driving while drinking, you got few stitches and I have already called your brother... He must be coming till then have some rest...."she said calmly"

Ahh... My head and my neck is hurting a lot....

Yes... Because you went into the surgery as you got many broken glasses inside you....,"Jung kook said while coming inside   and a rude expression on his face"

By the way.... Thank you for calling me and letting me know about him.... Uh...,I guess you should go now, "Jung kook said to that girl"

She gave a big smile and start walking outside, a part of me was telling me to stop her and thank her but my stubborn part or whatever you call it, was stopping me to do so....

Well.... Have a good night.... "She said and left"

Jung kook stared at me blankly

What?, "I said"

I can see his eyes in tears, he hugged me, for the first time in our lives we hugged....

Why you always do this brother?
You hate me, hate dad it's fine but stop just stop getting your ass in this shit...., "Jung kook said"

Promise me you won't do it again...., "He said"

The words came from his mouth just left me in shock but I was glad that maybe after all these years of hating each other maybe it's the time that we give each other a one chance to become brothers....

I won't, don't worry, "I replied back and went to sleep"

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 1; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now