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I was in the pool, when Jung kook made his way in the auditorium

Aren't those girls annoying, "He muttered loud enough that I heard"

Hell..... Yes...., "I said"

He looked back.... And nodded

So...."I said"

So...., "He said it back"

Is there something which you are not telling me.... Yet...., "I stated"

He sighed.... Last night.....
He started telling me the incident happened last night....

Even though we both don't show, and even we have no blood relations, but in my heart I know that my brother is my only one who cares a lot for me and somewhere I too care for him....

I see...., "I said"

He just hummed

Before I could ask any further, his phone rang and it was Mr. Jeon

We need to go now... Dad want us right now..., "He stated"

Ahhh..... Not again, "I groaned"

We both then made our way to the mansion....

Mr. Jeon

This is need to be done, you both need to be more careful from now on because they can be anywhere and can attack at anytime.....
I want you both to make your ways to it
Our enemies are taking breath out there
It's a game of live or die..... One mistake and we are out....
Get ready with your stuff...

Tae hyung

Tae hyung laughed.... So now you are scared of dying and so you want us to make sure that your enemies don't live....
Woho... Great Mr. Jeon, Such a nice father you are.... I have already seen that,
Stop being a pain in our asses Mr. Jeon, "Tae hyung stomp his hand on his father's table"

Seems like you have forgot the slap you got last night, "Mr.Jeon said"

Oh... No... I neither forget that slap nor going to let you forget about what you have done
Mark my words... Mr. Jeon
I am never going to let you forget your wrong deeds.... NEVER.... EVER....
and with this Tae hyung left the mansion with his high anger.

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 1; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now