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Next Day


I and Jennie got ready for the school, I wore my red skirt with the white off shoulder top and white flats...

We reached school on time, Jennie fastly made her way to her class as we didn't had our first class together

I notice Jung kook in the hallway and assumed that he and I are having class together.

Hey.... Wait..., "I shouted"

He shook his head and looked back

I catch up with him, Well thank you for checking me out yesterday....

I wasn't really checking on to you, "he answered back with his same old stubborn face"

Oh... really then what you was doing, while messaging me yesterday night at 2am, Flirting huh?, "I laughed"

He stopped in his way for a second and stared at me

My full teeth smile got vanished, okay my bad... sorry for stupid joke, "I said"

He shook his head, and went fastly inside the class....

All seats were already filled and only my place was free, no matter how much he wants to ignore me but maybe God also want me to become his friends.

He looked at me

I shrugged, there is no other choice I guess, Either sit with me or just leave the class, "I said in his ear"

He looked back at me and turned around and make his way out of the class

Great... Suits yourself, "I murmured"

I said down on my seat frustrated....

You gotta be kidding with me, what's his actual problem.... I just ask him to sit with me because there was no other seat free but he made his way out of the class.....
"I folded my arms around my chest and make a pouty face"

Jennie can't help but only can laugh....
Your face..... Haha..... Ha...... 😂😂😂😂


Huh... Okay let me catch my breath.... Hmm well both the boys are same...
Happened with me too, Tae hyung didn't paid attention what I was even saying to him during the whole class.....

Woo... You both sat together?, "Lisa asked"

Yep..., "I replied"

After a few minutes of silence between us
Maybe we are just very annoying girls, "we both said at the same time"

Haha.... We both laughed together

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 1; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now