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(Story still in past)

Next day

Tae hyung

Hey.... "A voice came from the door and guess what it was the same girl from my school"

You again? "I questioned"

Yep... I again.... "She said"

Why? "I asked annoyed"

Well... Teachers got to know about your health so one of them sent me to you for giving you the work notes, "She replied"

You gotta be kidding me right now?, I mean how the hell can someone do work when he is laying on a bed with these needles in the arm and eating actually drinking soup...."I said"

Uh... Make sense.... "She said and sat down on the near chair"

Uh... I sighed deeply, thank you..., "I said after struggling whole night that how I can thank her"

What...., "she came close"

Don't make me say it again.... Thankyou, "This time I said loud enough"

No problem...., "She said with a smile"

So does it means we are friends now??, "She asked"

No...., "I said straight forward on her face"

Fine.... "She give up", umm here you go, these are the work notes.... " She gave me the notes"

Hey your brother have gone out and he said that you... Have to stay with him... "A nurse came in and told everything and left"

Seems like you kinda got stuck with me here, "the girl said"

I gave a fake smile.....

May I ask a question.... "She asked"

No.... "I said"

After few minutes of silence

Fine, ask.... "I said"

Why you are like ummm.... Not good with Jung kook, and umm you was drunk, I know I shouldn't ask it this is your personal matter, but still.... "She asked hesitantly"

I took a deep sigh.... He... Ahmmm..... He is not my real brother, we both do not share the same blood relation... Ya so... And few things happened that's why I was drunk and driving at a high speed"

I am sorry...., "She said"

No need not your fault you just asked and so here is the answer "I said calmly"

But you are such a good person, "she said"

I chuckled, and hummed

So... Friends?? "She asked again"

Really? You are so annoying, "I said directly on her face"

You are so straight forward... I liked that, "she said and chuckled a bit"

So this means we are friends now??, "she asked the same question again"

I rolled my eyes.... And laughed... I stared at her few minutes and then...
Yes.... We are friends now..., "I said"

She extend her hand.... Jennie, "she introduced herself" I know you don't know my name that's why

I hesitantly hold her hand.... Tae hyung....nice to meet you.... "I said while staring at her"

Alright times up.... You need to go home now.... Jung kook came in and said in an ordering tone

Jennie went home and we both did some brother bonding catch up......

(Huh... Sorry long chapter
Hello all hope you have liked the chapter)

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