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Sunday 12:00 p. m.

Tae hyung

As I was walking back home, a car stopped in front of me and few people came out of it and made me unconscious

I woke up in an unknown place maybe after few hours

What the hell, my hands and legs were tied with ropes to a chair and the room was dark and I was still unconscious

Welcome back.... "A voice said"

Who is there? What you want from me? I tried to take a clear look

Hello....., "the voice said"

Huh.... Haha... Mr. Jeon I should have know this before, is this your another trick or something to make me feel pain huh?, "I asked"

Mr. Jeon grabbed a chair and sat in front of me, you will be allow to go only if you tell me the truth

What truth? "I asked"

Then my mind started working with the conversation we had....

(Scenes getting rewind ⏪)

Few Hours Earlier, Saturday at 8:50 a. m.

"Mr. Jeon said"we have some unfinished business to do....

Jung kook and Tae hyung looked at each other

What is it about?
I want you both to spy on Mr. Kim and Mr. Manoban's daughters

You both must have known them, after all they are your classmates

Whom you talking about? "Jung kook asked"

You exactly know whom I am talking about, don't make a fool out of me, here Lisa and Jennie, spy on them, tell me there every move, what they do, where they go, with whom they spent time, got  it? "Mr. Jeon ordered"

No way in Hell we are going to do this for you, leave those girls aside they are innocent, "Tae hyung said"

You.. Before Mr. Jeon could say further Jung kook jumped in between, wait you two please

First of all why you want us to do this? And second of all what we will get by doing this, "Jung kook asked"

Look this is your work so I guess there should be no problem, secondly just know that these girls are the ace of our cards, and we will use them to get a win-win....
"Mr. Jeon said", Jung kook stay here we need to talk and you can left Tae hyung.

Later that day, Saturday at 9:00 p. m.


Jung kook: Sorry won't be able to come

A tear fell down from my eye but I swept it away

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 1; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now