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So ahm... How are you?, "Tae hyung asked"

I looked back, Just the same as you saw me in the class.... Yesterday, "I added"

She is a lil pissed isn't she?, "he asked"

Ya she is but she will be fine, "I assured him while pouring some cold drink in the glass"

So what are your plans after graduation, in next 2 months we are going to get graduate and then I don't know when we will meet, "he chuckled"

Hm.... Many plans I will do a job or become a singer and will shoot my first MV.... I have even thought of a song in my mind for it...., "I said"

What it will be then?, "he asked while walking towards me"

Solo....., "I said"

Huh... Cool... "He said and sat on the kitchen counter beside me"

What about you, "I asked and his face gone blank for a while, like I have asked him a very tough question and be don't have answer for it"

Well.... Honestly, I don't know... My father is dead and my mom is a huh... All time alcohol consumer, what do you think I will possibly be doing after my graduation and for whom?, "he said"

For yourself.... Tae hyung, "I told him"

You are strong and you have your brother to support you..., "I said"

And you?, "he asked"

Yes I am also there for you as a friend whenever you need me, "I said"

That's a problem, "He said"

I saw him still for another minute...
No... Please, "I said"

Why not? Jennie you are the one who become my friend first and I am sorry that I can't be your friend anymore because I want more than a friend to you.... Hey Jennie Kim...., I starting liking you and I can't stop thinking about you, "he said everything while coming close to me"

No... Tae hyung don't, "I said in a low voice"

We both can hear both of our breathings

He sat me down on the kitchen counter and our lips met and we shared a small yet passionate kiss....

We then break the kiss.....

I like you too.... Tae hyung, "I said"
Our lips again met and this time, he hold me in his arm and carried me to the room...

He layed me on the bed and we kissed... He toss his shirt off on the ground and start kissing my neck and my ear....

We were soon under the blanket.....

(Hello so I haven't added the detail hope you all have enjoyed it)

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