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Saturday at 8:50 a.m.

"Suitcases being open"
10 million ......

Ah.... But we had a deal in 15...."Mr.Jeon said"

Here are 5 more...I guess now we can get it?

No.... "Mr.Jeon said"

Why? We had a deal...

Now deal is off, "Mr.Jeon shoots"

Mr. Jeon walked out from the room, clean the room.... He said while walking

Started early morning...., "Tae hyung said while buttering his toast"

Do I really need to give you an answer, "Mr.Jeon said"

Seems like no...., "Tae hyung smiled and grab his juice"

Morning brother.... Morning dad, "Jung kook came down still in his night dress"

Morning.... When and how you both are..."before Mr Jeon could say any further"

Together, "Jung kook and tae hyung said at the same time"

Well we thought to have a patch up, "Tae hyung replied"

I see.... well get ready fast we have some unfinished business to do, "Mr.Jeon said"

Jung kook and Tae hyung looked at each other

Saturday at 9:00 p. m.


What should I wear... Jennie help me please

Babe... Relax.... Wear this one you look beautiful in white okay... You sure it's not a date? , "Jennie asked"

Of course it's not a date...., "I said"

Then why you are so worried, "Jennie asked"

I don't know okay..., "I said"

Where is dad he is not even picking up my phone I had called him like 20 times.... "I asked"

He is in a meeting with my dad, and our mothers are out of station wow... And you going on a date and I will be alone, sounds like not a good plan, "Jennie said"

Ahmm.... First of all this isn't a date and second of all you are not going to be alone because Tae hyung will be here and don't ask why and how okay...., "I said"

"Horn beeps"

Okay it must be Jung kook, How I am looking, I guess fine okay byee Jen... Love ya take care and have a nice evening

I opened the door and there was Tae hyung.....

Umm, "I said"

Sorry, he won't be able to make it he stuck with some work with Mr. Jeo....ah...I mean dad, "Tae hyung said and my face drops"

Alright... It's fine, why don't you come in"I said"

I felt so much angry but why?


Jung kook: sorry won't be able to come

A tear fall from my eye, but I swept it away

You okay.... "Jennie asked"

Yes I am fine, I just need to go please, "I said and left from there"

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 1; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now