1- Battered

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{ hey there hot stuff.


-enjoy <3 p.b. }





Jordan really isn't a bad guy.

He comes off as the guy who would steal the prize upon opening a new cereal box. The guy who would tell you the truth about the dress you love so dearly. The guy who would easily break your heart. You know, that guy, who looks tough and wants to act the part, but just can't.

Heck, Jordan's like a cute and cuddly teddy bear. Sure, his sleeve of tattoos and long, flippy hair and backwards hat implement the "bad guy" status, but the truth is, he's kind of an emotional person.

He was a vegan. His hair is dyed, his voice has a slight lisp, he's afraid of comments and criticism, and he spends countless hours playing games and dreaming of a personal YouTube channel one day.
He never liked his appearance. He didn't look like the other guys in high school.

His voice was never as deep.

He always liked wearing Vans and skinny jeans instead of baggy khakis and striped polos like everyone else.

And his obsession with this green and brown sweater gave an even worse aura.

He never went to stupid parties and double dates.

He couldn't even keep a fucking relationship with a girl for a month.

No one was friends with Jordan and to this day, no one ever will be.


Will hates people. He always had and always will.

Because of his name, people made grammatical jokes about him.

Even though they weren't as dense as they could've been, they still poked him in the heart.

After graduating high school a year ago, he went to the streets and liquor stores instead of pursuing a college or a job rather. People would purposely avoid him.

But he's still kind-hearted inside.

Maybe it was his slightly deep voice that made him look two years older than what he actually is.

Maybe it was the hats he wore everyday, even though he swore he would never wear one years ago.

Still, people didn't like him.

Will was okay with that, if people didn't like him then that was just fine.

Words still shoved him around here and there, but not enough to throw him into an insecure state.

As if he needed to add that to his never ending list of flaws society caused.

His list, which he actually kept up with in a black journal, was always being added to.

His voice falters every time he speaks and it's hushed and quiet instead of loud and bold like he wished it was.

He didn't enjoy coming from a British background. The accent still stuck with him for nineteen years.

He was tall and really skinny, and a lot of girls didn't like him because of that.

Oh, and girls just don't like him overall.

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