6- Bruised

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{ eek depending on when you see this I'm either in Disney, at home, or this is just really awkward... }


You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong,
This never meant nothing to ya, come on




Will wasn't ashamed about what he said. He meant it, and that was weird because he never really was honest about affection. He just didn't trust anyone enough.

"R-Really?" Jordan stuttered, his face turning a bright red.

"Yeah, I think. I mean, I've never really done this kind of affectionate stuff, so." Will shrugged, smiling at Jordan sheepishly.

"What're you trying to say, Will?"

Will frowned, unsure of what to answer with. "Nothing. I'm just rambling." He muttered, turning away. He scrambled up and pretended to dust imaginary dust off of his pants.

"Oh, well, I guess I'll go now. See you, Will." Jordan whispered, his voice quieter.

"Actually, wait, Jordan." Will pulled Jordan to his feet and wrapped his hand around the shorter male's wrist.
"Would you. . . care to come with me to my home? We could hang out or something."

"Yes! I mean, uh, sure." Will grinned as Jordan skipped ahead. "Well, you coming?"

Will slowly walked up to him. "Of course, I'm the only one who knows where I live, silly."

Will reached over and grabbed Jordan's hand. "Let's go."


"Mum, I'm home!" Will shouted, kicking the door shut after Jordan had walked in. They walked out of the entrance room and into the foyer, where Will's mum was anxiously waiting.

"It's about time Wi- who is this?" Will's mum pointed rudely at Jordan who nervously looked around.

"This is. . . Jordan." Will silently said, gripping tightly onto Jordan's hand. "He's my friend."

"Will! You're back, darling." Ella sauntered into the room, twirling around Will and kissing him on the cheek. "I've missed you."

"Oh." Will muttered, stealing glances at Jordan ever so often. He was looking down at his feet, not bothering to push the hair out of his eyes.

"Well, Jordan and I are going to head upstairs, mum." Will briskly said, pulling Jordan along. They managed to climb halfway up the staircase before Ella squeezed past them and stopped them.

"So, you're Jordan?" Ella said, a sly look in her eyes.

"Y-Yeah." Jordan whispered, his hand darting around behind his back, looking for Will's hand again.

"Aren't you just an adorable creature. Come with me, instead of silly ol' William." Ella murmured, her finger running under Jordan's chin.

She's literally two years younger than him, what the heck.

Will felt anger burning in his fingertips. Or was it jealousy?

Stop. Jordan isn't yours and you shouldn't be mad. Let him go with her. What's the worse they could do?

"Whatever." Will stormed up the rest of the stairs by himself, not bothering to give Jordan one last look of pity.

Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. One hour. An hour and a half. Two hours.

Will couldn't take it any longer. He slid out of his bedroom and sneaked to Ella's temporary room. He stuck his ear to the door, but recoiled once he saw that it was ajar.

Will braced himself against the wall, struggling to see anything.

But what he did see made him frustrated.

Ella was on top of Jordan, her head on his neck. Jordan's eyes were closed and he was biting his lip, which was something Will loved about Jordan.

No, you don't love anything about him.

Ella was kissing Jordan and that's what mattered. Will backed away, his back hitting the wall behind him. He slid down it, covering his face with his hands.

"Hey, William." Ella giggled twenty minutes later, skipping out of her room and down the stairs.

"Will, Will, Will, please, I'm so sorry." Jordan pleaded, leaning against the doorframe for support.

"No, it's my fault for being stupid and letting you with her. Come on, I need to grab something out of the bathroom." Will gestured for Jordan to follow him, but didn't wait for the shorter male very long. He knew Jordan wanted to hold his hand again.

But Will wanted that, too.

"Do you mind grabbing some ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet? I need to warm up this towel." Will asked, turning away to wash the towel in the shower tap. He could hear Jordan rummaging through the cabinet.

"Will, what're these?" Jordan slowly questioned, pulling out a tiny bottle.

"Hm?" Will dropped the towel in the shower, looking over his shoulder.

"What. Are. These."

"Oh." Will quickly snatched the bottle away from Jordan. "Those are, were, my antidepressants. You didn't have to look at them. Did you find the ibuprofen?"

"You used to take antidepressants?" Jordan reached over and grabbed Will's arm before he could walk away again.


"I used to, too." Jordan murmured, moving closer to Will.

"Oh, that's nice." Will was getting antsy. He knew what was coming, but he wasn't sure about it.

I want this.

No, you don't.

I do. I wonder what his lips feel like.

No, you don't.

Jordan tensed, letting go of Will and moving away quickly.

Well, shit.


{ I'm on a bus.
So that's why this is kinda rushed. >.< }

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you!

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