2- Strangled

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{ can't really decide if Jordan is still mad at Will irl because like???? they're acting cute again. that was months ago anyway whatever. }



Naturally, anyone would simply dismiss someone leaving. But Jordan didn't let go so easily.

And like any other nosy brat, he silently followed Will. Jordan stayed at least thirty feet behind him, sometimes hidden behind a lamppost, other times trailing right behind Will in the open. Nevertheless, he managed to follow Will to an extent before he paused in front of a formal looking building.

Will quickly darted in, slamming the door behind him.

Jordan frowned as he read the sign above the doorway.

"Alpha Therapists and Psychiatry"

"This- This is a therapist office? Why is Will here?" Jordan asked to no one in particular as he nudged open the heavy, wooden door.

"Good day, sir! Do you have an appointment?" A male voice rumbled at Jordan's left.

"No, I-I was just ch-checking out the place. Quite nice facility you got working here. Really love the panelling and brick combination on the exterior. . ." Jordan rambled, ducking his head with every word he spoke.

"Ah. . . Well, I'm afraid if you don't have an appointment scheduled, I will have to ask you to leave." The guy said, shrugging in his desk chair. Jordan strolled up to the glass barrier blocking him from the other man.

"C-Can I make one right now?" Jordan smiled.

"But that's not how-"

"Please. . . Mark?" Jordan let his eye glance over the name plate on the little ledge protruding from the desk.

"Fine. What's your name?" Mark grumbled, focusing on his keyboard.

"Jor-Jordan Bayani." {a/n: idk his real last name lol} Jordan fidgeted as he gave his personal information and waited for Mark to complete typing up his patient sheet.

"Here. Room 19 down the East Hall. Doctor Parker will hopefully be there waiting for you. Er, have fun. . ." Mark slid a clipboard under a small indention in the barrier to Jordan who gleefully took it and strolled through the strangely empty lobby.

He struggled to pull open the doors leading to the rooms, but luckily, in an unfortunate circumstance, someone from behind the doors barreled through, knocking Jordan to the ground.

"Ow, what the f-"

"OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY LET ME HELP YOU UP OH DEAR I AM SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!" The person who ran into Jordan shrieked, fumbling with their papers.

"It's fine, I'm fine." Jordan mumbled, looking up at his tackler.

A boy, who had the same small body frame as Jordan himself, sadly smiled down at him, his black hair falling into his chocolate eyes.

"God, I'm such a klutz. I'm Sean." Sean held out a hand to Jordan who happily took it. Sean helped pull Jordan to his feet and straighten the papers that came undone from the clipboard.

"Jordan. Th-Thanks for helping me up. Um, do you happen to know where, ah, Doctor. . . Parker, was it? Do you know where he is?" Jordan looked behind Sean's tall stature into the long hallway that stretched on for what seemed forever. Sean nodded, holding one of the doors open for Jordan to pass through.

"Yeah, he's my. . . doctor as well. First time? Don't worry, he's quite charming." Sean grinned as Jordan shuffled past. "Head down till you reach an intersection. Simply follow the signs with the different Halls labeled on them, and you'll find Room 19 easily."

"Thanks again. Maybe we'll run into each other another time." Jordan rubbed his forearm nervously as he eyed the hallway before him.

"Sure thing, man. Well, have a, ah, nice time I guess."

"Actually," Jordan reached for Sean's hand, pulling him back into the hall. "do you know anything about this. . . Will guy? I think that was his name."

"Yeah, I've seen him around here a couple of times. Kind of a messed up kid if you ask me. I'm messed up, too, but he's had it hard at home. Listen, dude, it's kind of late. I've got to go. Nice meeting you, Jordan." Sean wiggled his way out of Jordan's grasp and disappeared behind the double doors separating the rest of civilization from Jordan's head.

"Messed up?" Jordan whispered to himself, tugging on the hem of his shirt.

He began to walk down the hall, some of the doors that led into rooms open and revealing chairs and doctors and even patients now and then. It was a large building, surprisingly, but you couldn't tell from the outside.

It was one of those "small-on-the-outside-but-big-on-the-inside" kind of things, you know?

Jordan neared the East Hall sign and was prepared to walk into Doctor Parker's room, but overheard a rather familiar and recent voice.

"Will, Will calm down. I know this is hard, but just tell me what happened."

Jordan couldn't resist.

He inched towards the slightly ajar Room 46 door.

"I can't explain it, I just can't. I shouldn't've come here. I just thought it would help." Will cried, his voice strained.

"We're here to help you, I'm glad you came here. Please, Will, tell us what's nagging you."

"No. No, no, no, no, no. I can't. I'm sorry, Liam, I can't. I gotta go." Jordan heard frantic shuffling and the sound of a rolling chair being rolled to the side. Jordan darted away from the door and attempted to make it look like as if he just walked in.

"Jordan? What're you doing here? How did you find this place? Whatever, dude, move." Will shoved past Jordan who awkwardly stood frozen in the middle of the hallway.

"Will-" Jordan began, but drifted off as soon as he saw Will storm off.

"Geez, he's such a nuisance to keep up with. His mood and temper is like a horror film, you never really know what's coming." Jordan whipped around and saw a guy leaning casually against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

"Oh, hello. You're Liam?" Jordan asked, looking the blue eyed male up and down.

"Yep. Will's fifth doctor so far. I don't know what's up with that kid. Acts like he's all that and stuff. But I've been with him for a few months. I've learned to deal with him." Liam sighed, disappearing into his office.

Jordan winced as he watched the door slam, listening to Liam and Sean's words replay in his head.

. . . messed up.

. . . deal with him.

. . . had it hard at home.

Jordan ran through the hall, ignoring whatever profanities and warnings people shouted at him.

He had to catch Will.


{ well this is a filler, sorry if I got your hopes up.

but a little bit of a background, I guess.

I didn't really go over the first chapter when I wrote this. I just free wrote it so sorry if it's straying from the first chapter's plot line idk.



Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
(because I can't write!!!!!!!)
<3 thank you!

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