Let's Chat

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Okay, so I know this isn't like a chapter, but it's something that's been on my mind.

As you all know, at PAX East (like this weekend, March 6-9 or something idk. I wasn't here to count. ) was a few days ago and something happened.

If you know Will Shepherd, a.k.a shep689 / shepsquared, tweeted out that if his tweet got 5,000 (something, retweets or favorites), that he would kiss xBayani, or Jordan.

Well, guess what got 5,000 of those something's.

I'm not going to say I don't support anything. So please don't accuse me of anything, but this did tick me off a little.

I am a very, very proud supporter of gay rights. I love Will Shep and RJ to death, as well as Will Kiingtong and Jordan, but I don't understand some things in this situation.

I don't really appreciate the #Shepani thing. Like it's adorable and stuff, but Will Shep has RJ. They've been together for four years.

And before you say I'm stereotyping them or forcing them to do this and that or whatever, I am not trying to do that. I want to get my point of view out on this.

Sure, people are going crazy and the Kiani fandom is somewhat mad, but it happened.

What REALLLYYY ticks me off is that they kissed twice, or according to Will Shep: 'a few times.'
Will keeps referred it to as 'making out' when it was really a peck on the lips.

Now, if you saw the vlog, OMG SCANDAL!!! (I couldn't find the video because I'm on my phone and my computer is off limits right now...) on their channel, Shep689, then I want you to visit the Shep689 channel again and look at the "MEET THE CUBE- March 8, 2015" video after it.

Notice that Jordan is fine with making kissing faces and being all cute, but someone pointed this out in a comment. He seems really happy after their "peck on the lips." And that doesn't bother me, but it's just that he had the guts to say the following tweet to Will Kiingtong:


Not kissing anymore dudes tonight I never agreed to anything @Kiinqtonq using me for faves :(

So, Jordan, your debacle over PAX Prime was in August. Freaking August. It's March, now.

I know they had their ups and downs, but Will was not using Jordan for favorites, or at least in MY EYES. Will Kiingtong simply, in my opinion, wanted to be amusing and tweeted out a request of twice the amount Will Shep asked for in order to be the "second Will to kiss Bayani."

That's adorable to me.

But not to Jordan.

But to Will Shep it's okay?

Maybe they're better friends, but that's still friendship they're on the edge of. Besides, people said that it's "cute" how RJ was protective of his and Will's relationship and how he was fine with Bayani kissing him.

But there were also the people who didn't like the idea of a partner straying away to another.

But I'm on the edge. I want to say I love the kiss, but I can't because of where my love for these YouTubers stand.

I don't know, but I just don't like how Jordan acted towards the Will's.

But it's over now, so whatever.

If you made it this far, you get a hug from me because I'll fly to wherever you are and squeeze you very hard with love. But I'll probably also get you sick because I'm sick, too.

Thanks for reading my thoughts.

And thank you for 1.4k reads ^.^

So pumped about it :)

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