14- Forgotten

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{ we're #9 if you search Kiani (: }

RECOMMENDED SONG: SKINNY LOVE ~ BIRDY (her cover at least...)

And I told you to be patient,
And I told you to be fine,
And I told you to be balanced,
And I told you to be kind,
And now all your love is wasted,
Then who the hell was I?
'Cause now I'm breaking at the britches,
And at the end of all your lines.




Will shuddered, sniffling. He wrapped one arm around himself and wiped the tears off his face with the other. Downstairs, he could hear his mum and Ella laughing about some random inside joke they devised to pull on Dr. Golding once he walked into the room.

Will began to cry harder. He had just poured his heart out to his mum seconds ago yet he was just easily ignored as if he was a speck of dust on a shirt sleeve.

"I wish Dad were still here." He whispered. "Why'd you leave anyways? Left me alone with a fucking psycho for a prostitute."

Will laid whimpering on his bed for a good hour. When he finally decided that the house was empty, he wiggled out from under messy sheets so that he could walk around until he cooled off.

Will dragged himself to his closet and tugged down a plain maroon shirt and sweats from a hanger. Covering his awfully tangled hair with a beanie and grabbing a prepaid card he kept hidden in a drawer, he ran downstairs and out the door before anyone realized where he was going.

Will did not stop sprinting until he was in the midst of the shops and drunk people. He doubled over and rested his hands on his knees, gasping for breath. The asphalt beneath him began to blur, but he stumbled forward towards a bar.

Nether Pub.

Will raised an eyebrow at the name but walked towards the glowing neon sign. As he hesitantly got in line behind older adults, Will took one good look at the district. There were people walking down the sidewalks for once, and there were actually cars ambling down the road.

He noticed that the bar was right in the middle of everything, the roads veering to the right and left of the bar. The alluring smell of alcohol began to tickle Will's sense of smell.

Glad to see you again, friend.

He smiled as the line slowly but surely moved towards the front doors. Will took the wait time to glance around more. To the left of the bar was a road named Pixel Road, whatever that meant. Will knew this road well.

"Liam works down there." He whispered to himself, eyeing the corner of a brick building.


Will looked over his shoulder. A girl a nearly foot shorter than him had a cocked eyebrow and hip, her hands crossed over her chest. "I was speaking out loud, sorry."

"It's fine. I do the same sometimes."

Will nodded.

How in the heckity heck heck did I even chase off that girl that flirted with Jor-

"So, ah, why are you here? You look sixteen."

The girl chuckled. "And you look distressed. I'm here for the same reason you are, to get away from something. But why are you here, bud? Oh, and I'm Rhianna in case you were wondering I'm some sociopathic teenager."

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