9- Damaged

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{ there is nothing here for me to talk about except that it's midnight and I have school tomorrow oops. }


This is what I've waited for
Cause the clock keeps ticking
Hard for me to keep up
I can't take it no more

Cause the time keeps turning
Feels just like it speeds up
It's what I've waited for




Jordan could've spent time alone, but he didn't. Instead of immersing himself in games of GTA or CS:GO, he let little thoughts of Will slip into his mind. They distracted him to the point where his heart practically begged to meet the lithe boy again.

I shouldn't bother him. He didn't want me there in the first place.

Jordan stared at his controller, rubbing the hand perspiration off that had materialized after an hour of playing non-stop Xbox and PC games.

But I kind of worry about his state of mind sometimes.

Like they said, he was 'messed up.'

But he doesn't seem like it.

"Goddamn it, I'm speaking to myself again." He muttered, sighing in defeat. He wandered outside, looking at the plantation out of curiosity.

"Ooh. Roses. I should bring them- No, no, I shouldn't. Get a hold of yourself, Jordan." He slowly walked down the brick pathway, his head bowed.



Will was hunched over his journal, tears threatening to spill.

You're being weak.

I am weak.

He leaned against the wall, his chest heaving with each breath. He felt scared. He felt terrified and vulnerable and alone. He felt the same way he felt when he first met Jordan.


Will shook the thought away, his body trembling.

"Why am I acting like this?" He murmured to no one. "I haven't been this unstable since. . ."

"William, dinner!"

Will's breathing hitched, his eyes widening. His face was red, and his eyes were swollen. He couldn't face his family.

Reluctantly, he shoved his pen and journal under his bed and clumsily shuffled out of his room and down the hall.

"Will, you will be by yourself tonight. Ella, Dr. Golding, and I are traveling to California for a meeting." Will's mum briskly said as she darted around the kitchen.

"Without me?" Will whispered, rubbing his forearm nervously.

"Sorry, honey. We only had three tickets." She sighed. "I love you."

"When are you leaving?"


"Wait. You're kidding."

"No, I'm not. I got a call as we were working. I have to be down there as soon as possible. Like I said, Will, I love you." Will's mum quickly kissed him on the forehead, patting his shoulder and darting off to God knows where.

Will could feel tears brimming his eyes. He was always uncomfortable around people, but being alone made him even more anxious.

He felt chills begin to creep up his arms.

I haven't talked to Liam in a while. I should go chat with him again.

"Bye, Will!" He heard Ella yell as the front door to their home slammed shut.

He was home. Alone.

I wonder how Liam is.

Will scampered up the staircase as he listened to the purr of the car become fainter and fainter. He began to change into decent clothes, stripping off his old shirt and pants and pulling on a sweater and skinny jeans.

Running a shaky hand through his messy dark hair, he slipped on his red Vans and dashed downstairs, prepared to meet Liam again.

Surprisingly, Jordan wasn't on his mind. He was completely focused on talking to someone he actually trusted.

Well, Jordan used to be not on his mind until Will pulled open the door.

Will was quickly pressed against the door with Jordan holding him down.

"You're back." Will whispered softly.

"Yes, I know." Jordan breathed, the warmth of his breath tickling Will's neck.

Jordan leaned forward, connecting lips with Will. As if Will had been doing it for years, which he hadn't, he immediately kissed Jordan back, excitement bubbling in his chest.

"Where's your mom?" Jordan asked once they parted.

"They literally all just left."

"Good." Jordan wrapped his arms around Will, pulling him forward without removing his lips from Will's. He closed the door with his foot, and with a satisfying slam, they proceeded upstairs.

"Jordan, I was about to leave-"

"Please, don't. Not again." Jordan murmured, his face inches from Will.

Will felt happy.


Will felt fuzzy inside, like he had just got a new gift.


Jordan pulled Will onto his bed, and they fell down together. Their legs became entangled as they lay against each other, listening to the other's heartbeat.

"Why are you here?"

Jordan nuzzled his face into the crook of Will's neck. "Do you want me to leave?"

Will tensed. "Not really, but you caught me at a rather unfortunate time."

"How so?" Jordan wrapped his arm around Will's chest, bringing him closer.

"I was about to leave to go to Liam."

"Your psychiatrist?"

Will nodded.

"But I want to cuddle you."

"I do, too."

Jordan reached up and kissed Will gently on his jawline, his hair tickling Will's cheek.

"You're literally a stranger to me." Will muttered, holding onto Jordan's side as if he would fly away if he didn't hold on.

Jordan dug his face deeper into Will's neck, savoring the warmth the boy provided. "Yes, but I feel like we aren't anymore."

"I shouldn't even trust you."

"But you're here, holding me and kissing me."

"I know." Will turned his head to where his nose grazed over the top of Jordan's head.

"Can we stay like this forever, Will?"

"I wish we could."


{ is this short? I feel like it's short.
I'm stuck here. Like I'm trying to drag on the story but what do I write next?... I didn't think this story all the way though ;-;

help me magical friends of the internet.

I love some of you guys omg. you're like all my friends and I love that.

I've been on a monstercat binge lately, sorry. I'll try to change the music (:

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you!

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