16- Dead

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{ oh no. this looks suspicious ;-; }


And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world




Jordan sighed. "You know, Will, you don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do. Half of my family is dying in a country I wish I would've forgotten. I can't just abandon them, Jordan."

"You said it yourself, you don't want to go back to England." Jordan crossed his arms, pieces of hairs loosening from behind his ear. Will reached over and rested his hand on Jordan's cheek, his thumb stroking the protruding cheekbone.

"I never said-"

"You implied it."

"Listen. You just don't understand. Your family isn't dying off, but mine is, Jordan. Something as traumatic as this can't go unseen. I-I'm leaving with my mum in a few days, so this is pretty much the last time I'll see you."

"You never told me that!" Jordan screamed, flinching away from Will's touch. "You never told me you were leaving so soon! You didn't mention this is the last time I would see you! It's like the first fucking time I met you."

"Don't say that-"

"How're you so calm? The only person I actually thought I loved is leaving me after a few months. I thought you were supposed to be the messed up one."

Hurt flashed in Jordan's eyes. Will wished he could reach over and hug him, tell him everything would be okay.

But that'd just worsen everything.

"Jordan, please-"

"No! I can't believe you."

"You never listened to what I had to say. It's always about you. How many times have you focused on me and my concerns and interests?" Will yelled, thrashing his hands around as he screamed at Jordan. "I don't know how I did this."

"Did what?"

"Love you."

"You never said you loved me. You said you weren't ready."

"You don't know what my heart says and what my mouth replies. And you never will." Will whipped around and stormed out of his room, his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands.

"Will, I'm sorry."

"I've heard that too many times, Jordan. It won't work this time."

"We were arguing over nothing-"

"Nothing? Just nothing?" Will said, his voice cracking. He collapsed onto the staircase, hiding his face in his clammy hands.

"Well, your family, too, but-"

"But what else, Jordan? Did it not ever occur to you that you're balancing whatever our relationship is on the edge of the depths of Hell?"

"What do you mean by that, Will. . ."

"I mean you're stepping into dangerous territory, Mr. Bayani. I didn't think we'd ever have to do this over a silly argument you stirred up. All I wanted to do was tell you what you should be expecting in a few days."

"You couldn't wait?"

"Would you rather me tell you the fucking day of? Do you want me to break your heart any further?"

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