10- Punched

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We're losing control
Will you turn me away
Or touch me deep inside?
And before this gets old,
Will it still feel the same?
There's no way this will die
But if we get much closer,
I could lose control
And if your heart surrenders,
You'll need me to hold.


A few minutes turned into a few hours.

Will was careful the entire time Jordan was pressed up against him. He didn't want to move which might cost him the intimacy they were sharing.

But Jordan had fallen asleep hours ago laying across Will's chest, so naturally, Will didn't move an inch to preserve Jordan's slumber.

Yet, Will's body was falling asleep in places it should not be. He could hardy move his feet, let alone his arms. His neck felt stiff, but bothering Jordan was like taking a new born kitten away from its mother. It wasn't coming back anytime soon.

On the bright side, Jordan does look like a kitten when he wakes up. But he acts like a tiger when he's awoken.

Will sighed into Jordan's hair, breathing in slightly. Will closed his eyes savored Jordan's scent. He loved every single second that passed as they laid there together, holding each other.

"Will. . ." Jordan suddenly groaned, digging his head into Will's chest. "Your embrace is warm, and I'm about to catch on fire, but I really like laying here so I won't move quite yet."

"Good evening, Sleeping Charming." Will muttered, stroking Jordan's side with compassion.

"I'm not charming."


"True, my pants are about to catch on fire because it's in the middle of summer, and your warmth mixed with my warmth is making a big, hot mess of boy perspiration." Jordan giggled, batting his eyelashes and looking up at Will.

"I can't deny that." Will chucked, rolling his eyes.

Jordan took the brief second Will was not looking at him and quickly pecked Will on the nose. "I got your nose." He taunted, sitting up and straddling Will's waist.

Will bit his lip as he felt the pressure of Jordan's body weight on top of his frail hipbones.

"Jordan, you're heavy." Will whispered.

He winced as he watched Jordan's smile fall and his eyes lose their sparkle.

I messed up.

I messed the fuck up.

But after what felt like an excruciating year, Jordan laughed, hugging his sides.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry, Jordan. I didn't mean to make fun of your-"

"You're fine, Will. It could've been worse. I still think you're an adorable Brit."

Will suppressed rolling his eyes. "I don't enjoy coming from an English background that much."

"I think it's cute."

"It's wore off."

"Yeah, but you're such a cutie."

"Oh, God, Jordan." Will giggled as he reluctantly felt his chest warm.

Don't fall for it.

"So, Will, do you still want to leave?"

"Kind of."

Jordan's face fell again. "Oh."

"No, no, I didn't mean to say it like that. I meant that I do feel like I need to speak to Liam, but I also want to sit here and watch stuff like streams and TV shows with you."

Will tapped Jordan's knee, and Jordan crawled off Will, letting him straighten his clothes and stretch after so many hours laying down.

"Can we go get something to drink and come back?" Jordan walked behind Will and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Will's shoulder.

"Yeah, if I can find something that isn't wrinkly and smells like a sweaty you."

Will tilted his head slightly, placing a hand on one of Jordan's cheek and lightly kissing him on the other.

"Now, once I find a shirt, I want you to hug me."

"Why?" Jordan let go of Will and took a step back. He eyed one of Will's hats and reached for it, playfully putting it on backwards.

"Because I want it to smell like you."


Will and Jordan were both curled up on the couch in Will's living room, the only sound in the house coming from the commentator's voice.

"I like this guy." Jordan murmured, adjusting his head on the pillow in Will's lap.

Will hummed an agreement, stroking Jordan's hair with one hand while nibbling on a chip in the other.

"Isn't his name like, Mitch?" Will watched carefully as the streamer maneuvered his character through a forest, engaging in battle with another player that was hidden in a hole.

"Yes, but he goes by like, Straub, or something. What's this game called?"

"Minecraft." Will felt Jordan nod as pulled the blanket around him tighter, ignoring the fact that it was nearly 90 degrees outside.

"I like it."

They watched the stream till it ended, where "Straub" said goodbye to the people watching and logged off.

"I want to do that one day." Will murmured as Jordan stood up and unplugged Will's laptop from the television.

"So do I."

"Maybe one day? Yeah?"

Jordan didn't answer, but merely nodded his head, his back turned to Will.


{ my head hurts a lot.
eek I'm deciding on decision 1 or decision 2 for the near ending of this story.

let's just say decision 1 is more about the present and is quite happy but decision 2 is slightly sadder but more fictional and more to my original plot line.

you can tell me which one ;)

rn my phone is dying .

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you!

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