4- Stabbed

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{ chapter titles are so fun }


And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now




It's only been a week, and Will was already near to choking his new roommate.

Almost everyday, Ella would tease Will into believing he wasn't all that important and that 'she ruled', or something.

And Will was done with the games. So, the right thing to do was run away from his problems, right?

"William, where are you?" Will could hear his mum's teeth grinding against each other in anger. "Ella is very distressed you are gone."

"Out. I'm out. I'll be back at some point." He sighed, shoving his phone back into his pocket before she could answer.

At some point.

Will ran the rest of the way to town, not slowing down to catch his breath every stop sign he met. And every stop sign had to at least be a few meters apart from each other.

Running was simply not his thing.

He avoided as many cars as he could, cursing at a few for being ignorant. Will wandered through the streets, very few people crowding them. He wasn't very interested in some of the shops he saw, but some did grab his attention.

"Hello! Welcome to The Au-" Will ignored the saleswoman who greeted him at the front door. He wasn't interested in meeting girls, or see one for that matter.

He was here for the computers he saw.

Will walked through each aisle, mesmerized by the countless amounts of technology each shelf held. From HDMI cords to wireless mouses to professional computer bags with millions of unnecessary pockets, the shop had everything and even things Will dreamed of.

He loved anything involving technology or programming. The world of wires and screens made him happy. His fingers glazed over everything with delicacy and adoration.

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice laughed behind Will. He rolled his eyes as he realized who it was.

"Are you trying to follow me, Jordan, was it?" Will said without turning around from the USB cables he was looking at.

"Nah. Didn't really expect to see someone so cocky in a place with wires and smart stuff."

Will clamped his fists in a ball and silently walked away without acknowledging Jordan's presence.

"You aggravate me, you know." Will mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh my God. I swear you're tied to me by a leash or something." Will turned around and glared at the slightly shorter male.

The pair of emerald eyes shined back at him with amusement.

He's standing as if he owns the place.

"Yeah, I am, actually. It's funny I keep running into you, though. Maybe we're being sent a message that we should be side by side at all times, eh?" Jordan raised an eyebrow, smirking at Will.

Yes, I'd love that.

"Right. There's some mental fairy that teleports between our minds and shares our most inner thoughts and whereabouts."

Jordan laughed. "Wow, you're so imaginative, Will, aren't ya? Care to grab some coffee and dream about clouds or some shit?"

Yes, please.

"Can't. I have to be home soon, and I don't even drink coffee. Plus, the fairy may be tired after all the trailing around she's done. Everything has to rest at some point, yeah? She's got a busy day tomorrow." Will pushed by Jordan, but was pulled back by his wrist. He looked down to see Jordan's bony hand wrapped around it.

"I'm sure she can wait."


"W-Wait, you're serious about your brother tripping over a pebble and falling into a freaking well? What the hecking heck?" Will giggled, breathless.

He hadn't kept up with time ever since Jordan dragged him into a cute, little café on the corner of some street of the 'Shopping District.' Isn't that what it's called?

"Of course I am! He's kind of clumsy, like myself. We were only ten, but it's honestly still a hilarious moment to remember. So, William, what're your greatest childhood achievements?" Jordan played around with the straw in his hot chocolate, even though it was mid-summer outside.

"I, uh, if you really want to know, I was in a 'Mother-Son Dancing competition.'" Will could already feel his cheeks turning pink.

"Really?" Jordan chuckled. "You're getting more interesting by the second. What happened to the boy who was yelling at me to go away?"

Will blushed harder. "He's still here. It's just that he's not as flustered anymore."

"Good. I'm just getting started." Jordan adjusted the hat on his head and winked, a dimple forming in his cheek as he smiled.

"W-What?" Will stuttered, realizing where they were going. "Listen Jordan, nice talking and some boost of confidence and stuff, whatever, but I got to go. Maybe the fairy won't be busy at all. . . for the next hundred years." Will muttered the last few words under his breath, scolding himself for getting so familiar with Jordan. He dashed out the café's door and made the long sprint home.

If it weren't for my stupid mistakes, maybe I would've never met him.


{ #cliche ending anyone.

Sorry it's kind of short ):
And I'm editing chapters so if comes up reposted ignore it. I just edited A/N's.

I totally forgot what the characters I set for Jordan and Will were so I winged it, again XD.

So I found the actual reason why Jordan was mad at Will, like the photo of the question and stuff, but I'm writing a new story hue hue. It'll be based off of it, sort of. And off someone else's story but whatevEr.

But that'll be posted up soon ;) Maybe soon after this goes up, idk.

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you so much.

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