15- Broken

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{ i feel like I was on 10 reads yesterday omg }


They say that love is forever
Your forever is all that I need
Please stay as long as you need
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Please stay forever with me




"Honestly, Will, what can be there to talk to me about? You've shut me out, and I didn't think you would ever need to talk to a guy who used to go through girls like notebook paper."

Jordan crossed his arms, purposely looking at the tiled floor. He felt Will tug at his arm, but he pulled away from the touch.

"I met a girl and-"

"And I probably will, too, seeing that you probably don't love me anymore."

"Jordan! Shut up! You aren't listening to me, and you're being full of yourself. I don't know if I love you, but I'm not going to call it lust either." Will quietly shrieked, trying to not get kicked out. Jordan bit his tongue until the metallic flavor hit his taste buds. "I can't just talk to you anymore without you bringing up some sarcastic comment! Jordan, just let your world center around me for once."

Jordan felt tears building up.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Rhianna told me that you mean a lot to me."

Jordan looked over his shoulder at Will who looked prepared to break down. "Is that really all you wanted to talk to me about?"

"No." Will's voice quivered. Jordan turned around and sneaked a hand onto Will's thigh. "I'm not going to tell you my autobiography or anything but this is pretty damn close."

One tear. Two tear.

Will's body shook once, his mouth slightly parted.

"Can I apologize first?" Jordan mumbled, feeling extremely useless.

"Why?" Will kept his stare at the shiny linoleum table.

"Because it's my fault that you're sitting here about to break into two. I just wanted to clear that up."

"That was a pretty shit apology, Jordan."

"I'm pretty good at that." Jordan sighed, pulling on Will's thigh lightly. Will finally looked at Jordan straight in the eyes.

Jordan smiled, his own face soon to be streaked with tears.

"You really do matter to me." Will whispered.

Jordan nodded.

"My life is pretty shit. I don't know where my mood is most of the time. I'm like a teenage girl, Jordan."

"You're cute like one." Jordan said as Will shifted his body. Jordan lifted Will's skinny, denim encased legs on top of his own and moved Will closer.

"Shut up. I'm trying to be serious and confess stuff and you're making it awfully hard." Will wrapped his arms around Jordan's torso, burying his face into Jordan's shoulder. "Rhianna told me she saw longing in my eyes, and I didn't fully understand that. I don't know what I'm longing for because I already have you."

"I thought you were mad at me for 'invading your personal space.'"

"I'm like a teenage girl, I have a short temper." Jordan rubbed Will's back lovingly. "I lost something really important to me that night and I didn't think I was ready to tell someone I only knew for, like, a month."

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