5- Shattered

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{ you guys are so cute ilysm }


Are you afraid of leaving tonight
Cause I am, I'm lost without you





Jordan sat at the little window-side table by himself. Will had left ages ago.

He wasn't sure what hit him, or what convinced him to speak to the seemingly unstable teen, but he wasn't proud that he did in the first place.

If he hadn't been so. . . so wanting, then maybe Will would warm up his icy personality to be Jordan's friend. After all, that's all Jordan wanted.

"Need anything else before we close up, 'hun?" One of the eldest waitresses at the shop asked him, the look on her face clearly saying that she didn't want Jordan here anyway.

"I-I'm good. Thanks." He took his hot chocolate and tossed it into the bin outside. It was only half empty.

That's just the way to think, Jordan. Negatively.

He shuffled along the surprisingly empty sidewalk, occasionally being pushed aside by businessmen or rude children on bicycles.

He began to think about Will, as usual.

What if I hadn't asked him to coffee.

What if I hadn't asked him to talk with me.

What if I hadn't followed him into a private place.

What if I hadn't stumbled into him at all.

Then maybe things would be okay.

"He never told me what happened that night. Maybe I can find him again and. . . no, stop, you're being nosy again. Maybe he doesn't want to see you. But what if he does. Then I should be somewhere to meet him. But I don't know where to, and he'll probably just push me away again. But what if-"

"Kid, you being delusional or what?"

Jordan whipped around, the slight breeze blowing his bangs into his eyes. There, a girl near his height stood with her arms crossed and one eyebrow cocked.

"Like, you insane?" She asked, smirking.

"What? No." Jordan felt offended.

"You talking to yourself. You ought to be in a nuthouse, eh?" The girl laughed.

"Yeah, and you ought to be in school learning how to speak properly." He smarted off to the girl. She laughed again.

"Kid, you're funny-"

"Please, I can't be any older than you, sweetheart."

"Anyway, come walk with me. Let's chat, hm?" The girl walked up to Jordan and grabbed onto his hand, pulling him along softly.

"Ah, no thank you. I'm sort of busy-"

"Yeah, with what?" The girl pulled on Jordan's hand harder, and he stumbled over his feet, almost falling into the girl's small body.

"I-I have a. . . a f-friend."

Such an easy word, never used in so long.

"Oh, come on. It'll only be a few." She smiled, intertwining her fingers with Jordan's.

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