12- Trapped

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{ 4.5k omfg


Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend
As an old
Memoria, memoria
Memoria, memoria




Jordan groaned, slamming his head into the wall behind him.

Fucking hell.

He felt his cheeks start to burn as he thought more and more about Will. Negative things, maybe, positive things, not so much.

He hurriedly scrambled out of the shop and began to walk briskly away. He knew exactly which way Will would go if he were to go home, so Jordan went the exact opposite way.


Will dashed down the sidewalk, turning a corner sharply and slamming into a brick wall. He slid down it, his chest heaving with every struggling breath.

He timidly peeked around the corner of the wall and looked around.

Part of him wished Jordan were smart for once and went the exact opposite way, yet another part of him wished that he had followed Will. He strained his ears and tried to pick out Jordan's voice above the commotion on the road.

But all that answered him were the lowly chirps of nearby pigeons.

Will hugged his knees and looked away from the sunrise and instead glared down the empty alleyway Will had stumbled into.

It gave him the chills, yeah, but it didn't really bother him anymore.

He was hurt inside and that's all that needed to be said.

Will reached for his phone in his pocket, but decided against it.

If Jordan wanted me, he can come get me.


Several hours later, Will was still curled up in the alley, ignoring the stares and taunts of the people walking by. He was well dressed enough to make it hopefully click in people's minds that he wasn't there to beg for money.

It smelled weird and the gravelly asphalt burned Will's skin, but he happily ignored it. Jordan was off his mind for once and that was all that mattered.

I have to go home.

He's probably there, too.

Maybe he's not.

Maybe he is.

Will was home in a matter of seconds, unsure of whether the urge to go home was because of warmth and safety or the fact that Jordan could've been there.

Will slammed his door, yelling profanities at the top of his lungs.

"Nothing is going my goddamn way." He screamed, running his hands back and forth through his hair.

"Hey, it's not a four-way, William, so chill." Ella teased as she skipped by on her way to the kitchen.

"Fuck off." Will muttered, never hating a human so much in his life.

Who? Ella? Or Jordan?


Out of the corner of his eyesight, he saw his mum saunter up to him, Ella close behind. "Will, baby, are you okay? Do I need to call-"

Will whipped around, tears brimming his eyes. "No, mum, I'm obviously not. There are tears gathering in my eyes and my body is shaking. My heart is pounding in my chest and there's a fucking boy on my mind again. You never bothered to see how I feel because you're always working. We never see Dad anymore, and you brought some annoying bitch and her father into my house.

You never knew that I got something stolen from me one night, and I expect you to never know. You never noticed that I'm emotional everyday or that I never bring girls home. I'm tripping up stairs for some random guy I stumbled into who seems to be cocky and charming at the same time. I don't understand him, and I'm sure he sure doesn't understand me either. I don't even fucking understand myself.

I've sent myself to a therapist and you're paying the bills. Surprise. So thanks, mum, for being the best one around." Will snapped, his arms and legs shaking.

Will's mum took a step back, her light eyes wide and startled. Ella stood with her mouth open, her body frozen.


"No, I'm done here. If you need me, I'll be in my room, wallowing in self pity."

Will ran away, blood pounding in his ears. He finally felt the salty droplets of water ease their way down his cheeks.

You're such a wimp, crying almost everyday.

He dove onto his bed and screamed into one of the pillows.

I am a wimp. I'm a goddamn depressed one.


{ hey there's cursing in this in case you didn't know :^)

-so about that two day interval haha...

-gUYS. I'm doing a collaborative Kiani story with KiingtonqAF ! It's a work in process, but we'll let you know when it's released!

-And my other Kiani story should be coming out soon, so watch out (;

-and lastly, thank you so freaking much for all the reads and votes. Never would I have dreamed of this! <3 If you've been here since the beginning, it's been a long bumpy ride.

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you!

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