7- Scratched

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{ irl jordan really frustrates me sometimes. and I reread the previous chapter and it's so rushed lol. oh, and I'm back and my phone screen is cracked so yay.}


Lie around and wait for a heart I used to know
They say that over time there'll be nothing left to lose
But I still can't find the light, I've given all my love to you




Will shut off the shower tap, reaching for the towel and squeezing it until all the water was drained from it.

He didn't bother to turn around, knowing Jordan was still behind him, staring intensely at Will's medicines.

All he wanted was some goddamn ibuprofen.

"I'm sorry." Will heard Jordan mumble a few moments later.

"About what?"

Yeah, play it dumb, Will.

"I put the bottle of medicine on the counter for you. I should go now. It's probably really late and my. . . parents are probably wondering where I am. Bye, Will."

Will cursed under his breath. He really didn't want Jordan to leave, but all good things come to an end.

Will dropped the damp towel in the hamper, not really caring if it got used or not. He poured out a few pills and swallowed them all at once, leaving the bottle on the sink counter.

"You're still here, aren't you?" Will whispered, quietly shutting the door behind him.

No answer.

"Jordan? Don't tell me you actually left." Will said, louder than before.

He wandered into the hallway, but not before glaring at Ella's temporary bedroom door. Will called Jordan's name ever so often, his hope that the tattooed male would still be there slowly diminishing.

"Well, now there's no one here to tell me you're actually gone." Will finally sighed after checking his room and downstairs.

I wonder why he left.

Stop thinking about it.

But why did he leave? Is it because I caught him kissing Ella?

Probably. He's probably already out of town, kissing other girls.

He wouldn't do that.

But he could.


Will was curled up in a leather armchair, a mug of mildly warm tea in his hand.

It was raining outside, something Will loved very much, and it was a perfect time to watch Twitch streams on his television.

"And if we can slowly make our way over to-"


Will groaned as his phone continued to make a commotion. He paused the livestream and fumbled around for his phone.

'Jordan <3' is calling. . .

Since when did I have his number?

Will answered, impatiently waiting to speak a word until he was sure it was Jordan.

"Hey, will you please unlock your door? It's kind of wet out here."

Will dropped his phone, confusion clouding his mind. He yanked open the curtains to one of the windows in the living room.

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