8- Scarred

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I close my eyes
The moment I captured
I feel alive
So I'll hold on
I'll never surrender
And our loves strong
This is forever
This is forever



Jordan didn't want to pull back. He wanted to stay in Will's arms forever. They'd stopped kissing long ago. Now they were just holding each other, their foreheads supporting one another.

"Your eyes are cute." Will mumbled.

"You're cute." Jordan smiled, stroking the back of Will's neck with his thumb.

"Stop." Will murmured, the corner of his mouth turning upwards slightly. Jordan felt a warm feeling enter his chest as he watched Will's cheeks turn a light pink.

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll have to make you stop."

"How're you gonna do that?" Jordan smirked.

"Jordan, quit teasing around. If you want me to kiss you again just say so."

"Fine. Kiss me again."

"Maybe later." Will winked, his breathing unsteady.

"You're a little shit."

"Yeah, but I'm a cute one."

Jordan rolled his eyes, quickly pecking Will on the nose. Jordan stood up on his toes, nestling his face into the crook of Will's neck.

Jordan felt Will tighten his grip around Jordan's waist, pulling him even closer.

Funny how I met him literally a day ago.

Was it a day?

I don't know. And I don't care.


"Jordan," Will purred, his fingers interlocked with Jordan's. "Look at me."

Jordan sleepily opened one eye, his vision blurred. His head was laying on Will's chest, their bodies sprawled over a couch.

"Yeah?" Jordan yawned, wrapping an arm around Will.

"Y-You need to go." Will wiggled out from under Jordan and frantically stood up, his gaze averting Jordan's.

"What? Why?"

"Y-You just need to. I'm sorry." Will took Jordan by the hand and pulled him along to the front door. "I'm sorry."

"Whoa, Will, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just go." Will lightly pushed on Jordan's shoulder, his hand shaking and his voice quivering.

"Am I supposed to come back?"

Will paused, his hand on the doorknob. "Bye, Jordan."


"Oh, okay. Fucking love you, too." Jordan murmured. He stared at the wooden door, cursing at himself.

Was it my fault?

Is he in trouble?

Should I be one of those people and wait for him outside his window?

I should check on him.

I've his number?

It's probably my fault.

It usually is.

Oh, look, here come my insecurities.

Jordan wandered off Will's doorstep, yearning for the sound of an opening door and a familiar voice calling him back.

Ten minutes.



One hour.

Every minute passing reminded Jordan was alone, now. He was leaned against a light pole on the corner of two streets, not bothering, or caring, to go back home.

But there wasn't any other choice.

Jordan sighed and began his trek home, taking a rather familiar 'shortcut' instead of a marked path.

The smell and tense air of the rundown area of Seattle made Jordan tense. He remembered many things here, like this is where he got his first tattoo.

Jordan walked briskly down the sidewalk, keeping his head down as he passed a dark alley.

And this is where I met Will. Fun times.

He never told me what happened.

I shouldn't bother him about it.

But we're all so goddamn nosy.

The night sky progressively grew darker as Jordan blindly walked down the sidewalk, hugging his body and arguing at himself. Few cars passed, and the ones that did, were operated by drunk drivers or rapists looking for victims.

Seconds later, he was in a fancier part of Seattle, where CEOs of businesses and winners off of gameshows lived.

"Mom?" Jordan whispered, softly knocking on the door with his knuckle.

He tried the doorknob, but to no avail. Jordan groaned, digging around under the doormat for an extra key set.

"Dad? Great. I'm home alone." He slammed the door shut behind him. Jordan made his way to the dining room and collapsed into one of the chairs, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

I wonder how Will is.



Will began to hyperventilate, tears streaming down his face as he closed the door on Jordan.

You're making bad mistakes.

But I don't-

You're making bad mistakes.

Will ignored the fact that Ella was not home and his mum and Dr. Golding were doing 'research' in his mum's office. He made a beeline for his room.

Clutching his chest, he shut the door and slid down it, his cheeks blotchy and red.

Nervously, he looked at one corner of his room, where a cabinet with a 'Do Not Touch' sign and a welcoming sharp smell beckoned Will over. But Will ignored it, switching his gaze to the opposite side where his bed and a nightstand sat untouched and forgotten.

Will didn't sleep often.

Carefully, he crawled over to his nightstand and pulled out a journal from one of the doors. He grabbed a pen, and in shaky handwriting, scribbled words on the brittle pages.

mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakesmistakesmistakesmistakes


{ oh my goodness. all the feedback I am getting is completely overwhelming. I love everyone who is reading my story. it's not going to be like 40 chapters long, but is not going to be 10 either. so we'll see where this takes us (:

OH ANd I'm really happy because Will freaking finally uploaded UHC. Geez.

So, tell me young grasshoppers, who do you think will win Season 12?

Team Ducklings is looking pretty stacked tbh. They don't have all the gear or the nether, but they have the strong hold which is pretty good.

do any of you guys play on the cube s1 server because I figured how the claim thing works and it would be cool to play with you guys (:
Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
<3 thank you!

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