Kayleigh Finn Miller

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My name is Kayleigh Miller, and I'm 19 years old.

My favorite color is purple

I was born on November 13th

My name, Kayleigh, means warrior.

I spend most of my time sitting alone in my room reading

I'm an only child, as far as I know.

I was diagnosed with depression at the early age of 13

my aspiration in life is to be happy. 

  I was born and raised in Portland Oregon, but moved to Sydney Australia once I turned 18. I've been in and out of foster homes for as long as I can remember, which is the main reason I moved so far away. I wanted to start my life over where I was the one in control. I've been pushed around and forced to do things I didn't want to for ages, and one day I just decided to leave. My life here in Australia is going pretty well so far. I live in a small apartment by myself, but I have plenty of wonderful neighbors. I currently work at a video shop called The Vid Lot. It's pretty busy on the weekends which can be stressful at times because I get nervous around large groups of people, but the pay is decent so I can't complain. 
I just genuinely want to be happy. I mean, sure I smile and laugh, but I'm not really happy. 

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