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The next morning, I woke up in a good mood and decided.. I'm going to get a cat. Well, a kitten to be exact. I don't know what kind or what to name him or her, but I do know that I will take so much care of it and love it forever. Since I don't have a car, I figured I would ask Ashton to take me. I hope he wouldn't mind. Or is allergic to cats. That would be awful. 
I took a quick shower, and before I got dressed, I called Ashton just in-case. I don't want to get dressed, then have him say no. "Hello?" Ashton answered on the fourth ring, and sounded very sleepy. I hope I didn't wake him up. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to take me to a pet shop? I'm going to get a kitten but I don't have a car." I explained myself. "Yeah, sure, lemme get dressed real quick-" He spoke but I cut him off, "No, no. Take your time. I'm not even dressed yet." I laughed, pulling y towel

After I ended the call with Ashton, I quickly changed into this and laughed slightly at my jumper. I'm totally a cat lady. Once I was 100% sure I was done, I turned all of the lights out and locked my front door, making my way to Ashtons. He answered the door almost immediately with a giant smile on his face. "I love cats." I nodded and pointed to my top, "Yeah.. me too." I winked. 
On our way to the shop, Ashton and I made small talk about animals, some of our favorite things, and names for my kitten. "I really like Joey for a boy." He laughed and I shrugged, "I don't know, I'll just have to see the cat first." He nodded, and smiled, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense." I laughed at the face he made and stared out of his window thinking about my old life back in America. I remember my last set of Foster parents the Nelsons. They were awful, horrendous, just plain vile. Thinking of the things they did to me, and forced me to do gives me chills and my eyes watered. "Hey, you alright?" Ashton noticed the change in my attitude, and being the nice guy he is.. asked if I was okay. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I sniffled and wiped underneath of my eyes. I can tell he wanted to say something else, but he didn't push me into telling him. Maybe one day I will tell him everything. Maybe one day we'll become something more than friends. I can't help but hope.

As soon as Ashton and I walked into the pet shop, I knew I had to make a difficult decision. All of these animals are SO cute, but my mind is set on a kitten. Choosing which cat though, there's my problem. My heart melted seeing all of these tiny kittens bundled together, hiding from the hundreds of different people who come in and out of the store. Ashton talked in a baby voice to a black ans white kitten, but my eyes landed on an orange one and I instantly fell in love. I want that one! "I want the orange one," I knew I would love this kitten forever. Ashton nodded and went to grab and employee to help me get my orange baby. "She wants the orange one," Ashton said before I could, and the employee who's name was Evan, nodded and grabbed the kitten. We followed behind the man and I nearly squealed with excitement. "Well his name is Seamus, but you can change that if you'd like, he's 12 weeks old, and already neutered and declawed. He was actually neutered yesterday, so he will be a little sore for the next few days." I nodded and took in all of this new information. "Would you like to buy only him for $100, or the full package which comes with a travel cage, litter, a litter box, some toys, food and a bed for $500?"
My eyes widened because i don't think I brought $500 with me. But I don't want him to come home without any of his toys or the things he needs. Before I could answer, Ashton did for me. "She'll take the full package." What!!? Evan smiled and walked to the back room to get everything Seamus would need. I'm thinking of changing his name. Maybe to Sheeran after my idol. "What! Ash, I don't have $500 with me." I whispered coldly. He smirked, "I'll pay half." What? I'm so confused.
"Why would you do that?" 
"Because I know how badly you want him, and it's not a problem. I want to do this for you." 
"But we've known each other for less than a week." 
"Just let me do it." 

 Ashton and I brought all of Seamus' things up to my house, and sat it down in my living room. I hope he will like his new home. "Are you changing his name? Or are you happy with Seamus?" Ashton asked, as I opened the cat carrier. "Not sure yet. I was thinking of changing it to Sheeran but Seamus is starting to grow on me," I laughed. "But what do you think? You should have a say in his name since you helped me get him. We're like his parents now," I joked, watching my lovely orange cat take in his new surroundings. "I like Sheeran," He said softly, smiling at me. "Well Sheeran it is!" I cheered and accidentally startled Ashton and Sheeran. I burst out laughing and soon enough Ashton did too. 

Well today has been really awesome. Ashton stayed over for a few hours after we got Sheeran. We set up his litter box and bed, then played with him and his toys. He's a very energetic kitten, and I love him already. Sheeran ended up falling asleep shortly after we played with him, so Ashton and I just watched some movies and ate snacks. He's so funny, and amazing. And cute. Wow, I never thought I'd admit that so quickly. But yeah, I'm falling for Ashton Irwin, and he's what I thought about before falling asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of Sheeran hissing loudly, and a bang coming from the living room. What the hell? I stood up quickly but quietly, and slowly made my way out of my bedroom. I heard a voice or two whispering and that's when i realized I am not safe. There are people in my house looking for something, which could possibly be me. As I made my way back to my room to get my phone, one of the floor boards creaked and the banging from the kitchen stopped. "What the fuck was that?" One of the voices whisper-shouted and my heartbeat quickened. I stood in the middle of the hallway with my hand over my mouth to quiet my heavy breathing. Not even seconds later, a mans head peeked around the corner.
"Well hey there pretty lady.." The man slurred, now at a normal volume.
Before anything else could happen, I screamed as loud as I could and ran to my bedroom, locking the door. 

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