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"I love your hair!" Ashton's sister, Lauren, gushed as we ate dinner. "Thank you," I smiled and took a sip of my red wine, wincing as I did so. I know I don't drink, but that was the only thing Ashton's mom had bought, other than tea for the kids but I didn't want to be rude. We were eating meatloaf, with mashed potatoes and salad. It's so delicious, I haven't had a proper home cooked meal in the longest time. "That was delicious!" I praised, helping Anne clean up. "Thank you, love!" She smiled as I cleaned up the kitchen table. Ashton is in the living room playing with Harry and Lauren since he hardly sees them anymore. 
After Anne and I cleaned up the mess from dinner, it was only 6:30, so we decided to watch a movie or two before Ashton and I have to leave. "What do you wanna watch?" Ashton asked me and I shrugged, "I don't really care, anything is fine." I spoke softly, and smiled up at his handsome face. He winked at me before letting his brother to choose. Harry picked 'The Lego Movie' causing Lauren to groan and Ashton to cheer. "Hey Ash, can you help me in the kitchen real quick?" Anne called for her son, and he kissed the top of my head before making his way to help her. "Hey, Lauren? Where's the bathroom?" I asked, suddenly having to pee really badly. I guess the wine is going straight through me, though I only had half a glass. Lauren got up and walked me to the restroom, "Here we are, m'lady." She said in a fake accent, causing me to laugh. "Why thank you, deary." I joked and walked into the bathroom to do my business.
After I was done, I made my way back to the living room but I heard my name being said, so the nosy side of me decided to get closer and listen. "No, babe, I like her! Kayleigh is very sweet, I just don't think she's right for you! She's young, I know how young girls are, especially beautiful ones like her. She will want sex and to be spoiled, we both know you can't give that to her when you're gone. You're in a band, she's gonna need more stability than just seeing you every so often." Anne's voice surprised me, I thought she liked me? What does she mean when he's gone? "No mum, she isn't like that. Kayleigh is amazing, she gets on so well with Luke, Cal and Michael, she understands that I can't talk when I'm busy, and if our band becomes successful, she knows that I won't see her very often. She's so supportive." Ashton defended me, but I actually didn't know the latter. I had not even considered what would happen if he becomes successful, and the thought scares me. 
I must have made a sound or something because suddenly both of them turned in my direction. "Oh." Anne spoke, almost inaudible, when she noticed my presence. "I think we should go now," Ashton said, making his way towards me, and I shifted my attention towards the floor. Is he leaving? And he didn't tell me? Oh. 

The entire drive back to our apartments was silent, except for the radio playing softly. I stared out the window and prayed that he isn't leaving soon. I need more time to process this. I don't want him to leave as soon as our relationship is starting to get serious. I adverted my attention to Ashton and saw the solemn look on his face. "When were you gonna tell me? That you're leaving?" I asked quietly, suddenly finding my nails interesting. Ashton cleared his throat before speaking, "I was gonna tell you tonight. When we got home. Well I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but I just couldn't do it." He sighed and turned left onto our street. "When? When are you leaving?" I almost didn't want to hear his response, not sure if I'm prepared for his answer. "Next week, for 4 months." His voice was soft and shaky, like he didn't want to believe it either. 
I sucked in a deep breath and tried to stop the tears from falling. How can this happen? Why would he not tell me sooner? "O-oh." When we walked back up to my apartment, I quickly walked ahead of him and made my way to my bedroom. I curled up in my giant blanket and closed my eyes, not wanting to face the reality of him leaving. I could hear Ashton's footsteps approaching my bedroom, and then suddenly the bed dipped in on my back side. "I'm sorry," He whispered, wiping my hair off of my face. I turned toward him, and hugged him as tightly as I could, never wanting to let him go.
Ashton and I ended up laying like that for hours, legs entwined and arms around each other. I never would have thought I would become so attached to him, and I'm pretty sure I love him. I think I love him more than I've ever loved anyone else. My hand came up from around his torso and I rubbed his back softly, "I think I'm in love with you," I whispered, looking into his eyes for any emotion. A huge smile broke out across his face, and he kissed me with so much passion it made my toes tingle. "I know I'm in love with you," I smiled back and sighed happily, trying to ignore the fact that he'll be leaving me in a short week.  

The next morning, I woke up without pants on and Ashton was only in his boxers. What the hell? I sat up quickly, looking around the room. Did we have sex? No, i know for a fact that didn't happen. But how did my pants get off? "You were sweating in your sleep," Ashton's raspy voice startled me, and I snapped my head towards him. "You looked miserable, so I wanted to help. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He spoke tiredly, and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Even this early in the morning, he still looks so handsome. "Oh, thanks." I giggled, leaning forward to kiss him. 
"Get it, Sheeran!" I cheered my favorite cat on as Ashton's laugh filled the air. His red laser dot was teasing Sheeran and it is honestly very funny. I don't understand how a cat can move that fast! "Haha," I laughed, clutching my stomach. Sheeran suddenly realized that we were teasing him, and just left, making his way to the litter-box. "He's an awesome cat," Ashton smiled, setting his laser on the coffee table. I nodded and watched my orange cat strut across the kitchen floor. "He's gotten so big," I sighed, "My baby's growing up." I fake cried and wiped underneath my eyes. "Our baby." Ashton corrected me with a smirk on his face. 
What if Ashton and I had a baby? Well we'd have to have sex in order for that to happen, but I mean what if? I wonder what kind of dad he would be. Not a doubt in my mind that he would be a great father, and I smiled at the thought of us raising a family. I know it's way too early in the relationship to think of these things, but can't a girl have her own imagination? 

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