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Just 3 more months, I thought to myself.  He'll be back in 3 more months. Ashton's been gone for a month now, and it's absolutely killing me. I mean, we Face Time several times throughout the day, but its not the same as his actual presence. And Dylan has been threatening me nonstop. I've tried so hard to ignore him, but he always brings up my past and it just makes me feel so horrible! Without Ashton being here to comfort me, I want to do nothing but cry. Finley and Amber come over a few times a week, and they always end up sleeping over. I'm really glad I met them because they've made me feel so good about myself, and even help me forget about things for a little while.  Work has been really boring lately, and I'm thinking of quitting. My coworkers have been really rude to me all of a sudden, so fuck them. But I'll probably wait until my next paycheck to quit just so I can have extra money for a little while. 
My birthday is next month and I'm pretty excited, I mean I'm gonna be 20! But Ashton won't be here to celebrate with me so that sucks. But Finley promised she would take me out, so I guess that's cool too. 
As I was walking home from work, my phone rang and I didn't recognize the number. I almost didn't answer it because what if it's Dylan? But then I realized I have him saved in my contacts as 'Don't Answer'. "Hello?" I answered, stopping at a crosswalk. "Hi, Kayleigh? It's Richard..." My blood went cold at his name, and I was about to hang up when his voice rang through my ears again. "Dylan gave me your number, said you had forgiven him and wanted to speak to me." I scoffed and shook my head, though I knew he couldn't see me. "That's ridiculous. I would never forgive Dylan, or you or anyone of you pricks that ruined my life." I spat, crossing the road when it was my turn. 
"Still just as feisty as I remember," He chuckled and I inwardly cringed. "But I guess since you're not going to forgive us, I should tell you this.." Richard paused for a dramatic affect, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head without a second thought. "We know where you are. We know that your little boyfriend wont be home for another 3 months. And that you're walking home from work right now." As I was walking into my apartment complex, these words stilled my entire body and my phone slipped from my fingers. I immediately turned around to see if they were behind me and I saw a black van with tinted windows around the corner. Shit. 
I ran up the stairs and down the hall to my apartment, locking the door behind me. I started breathing heavily and paced back and forth, this cannot be happening. "you're okay, Kayleigh. Just breathe." I told myself as I ran my hands through my hair. As soon as I was calm, I made my way to my bedroom and started packing most of my belongings, dialing Finley's number as I did so. "Hey, can I stay at your house for a few days? I don't have time to explain, I just- I need somewhere else to stay." I frantically spoke while shoving clothes, Sheeran's toys and food, and other important items into duffle bags. "Uh, yeah sure.." Finley spoke uneasily, but I promised her I'd explain when I got there as soon as I got there.
I also changed completely, then grabbed Ashton's keys from my kitchen table, my bags and Sheeran before locking up and leaving the complex. Sheeran meowed in his carrier when I gently set him in the back seat. "I'm sorry." I apologized before buckling up and quickly driving to Finley's. My mind was running during the drive. How did they find me? Why are they in Australia? How do they know where I live? How do they know about Ashton? Will they hurt him? God, I hope not. My chest tightened at the thought and my hands clenched around the steering wheel. 

"And now they're here. They know where I live and that Ashton's gone." I explained the entire story to Amber and Finley, tearing up through out. "I'm so sorry," Amber cooed, rubbing her hands on my arms. "I'm sure everything will be alright eventually," She gave a soft smile, and I wiped the wetness from my eyes. I gave an attempted smile and stood up, "I'm gonna, uh, try to call Ashton," My voice was wobbly but I made my way to the nearest bathroom before I could cry again. I dialed his number and sat patiently while it rang that annoying tune it always does.
"Hey babe!" His cheery voice answered on the 5th ring and I couldn't help but smile. "Hi," I knew by the sound of my shaky voice, he would ask me if I was okay. "Is everything alright?" He asked, concern filling his usual playful voice. "Yeah.. no, I don't know." I spoke honestly, picking at the fuzz on my knitted top. "What's going on?" How do I tell him? "Well, I'm scared," My voice cracked, and i was on the verge of tears. "Dylan and Richard. Th-they know where we live, and that you're gone. I'm scared that they're gonna hurt me again. I'm scared that they're gonna hurt you. I'm so scared." I sobbed, pinching the bridge of my nose. 
"Babe, everything will be okay. Are you in the apartment? You need to leave, go to Finley's or Marilyn's or even my mum's. I know she doesn't exactly like you very much but she's be more than willing to help you." Ashton spoke fast and I could hear the clutter in the background. "I'm at Finley's." My voice was soft and sincere. "If things get really bad, just call me and I'm on my next flight home, okay? I love you." He promised, and I nodded though he can't see me. "Yeah," My voice betrayed me by cracking but I cleared my throat before speaking again. "I love you, too. So much." 
After my conversation with Ashton, Amber ordered a pizza and us girls sat around watching movies for the rest of the night. I'm so grateful for these beautiful women in my life, granted I haven't known them for long, but they're the closest thing to a best friend I've ever had, and I don't know what I would do without them. I know that I would have the same hairstyle everyday and nowhere to be right now. They're literal saints and I'm eternally grateful. 

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