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It's Michael's birthday today, so we're going out to a club. I personally don't want to be around hundreds of drunk people, but it's  the least I can do since he's been nothing but kind to me. Plus, it's just one night, and he deserves to have a good birthday. So far the people who are coming are Luke, Ashton, me, Calum, Finley, Amber, Michael (obviously) and some of his friends Steve, Annalise, Hunter and Gary. I'm sort of nervous because 1) I'm going to be meeting a few new people and 2) they're going to get drunk. I hope Ashton won't drink too much so I won't be completely uncomfortable the whole night.

"C'mon babe, we're already running late!" Ashton rushed me as I put on my last earring. "Okay, okay. I'm coming." I walked out of the bathroom in my outfit, and I twirled around in the finished product . I think I look really hot, but that's what scares me. I'm scared Ashton will get drunk and completely ignore me, causing random men to approach me. Or he will get drunk and not be able to keep his hands off of me. "Wow,"Ashton was breathless. "You look amazing, but really we have to go." I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway, through the living-room and out the door. 
When we pulled up to the club, my heart started racing and I felt like I was sweating. But Ashton grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together as we walked to the queue. "Names?" The Bouncer asked, looking at his clipboard. "Irwin and Miller." Ashton spoke loudly over the blasting music. A second later, the big man nodded and let us through. My eyes looked around at the flashing lights and crowds of people dancing. It smells like vodka and sweat. "There's Michael." I pointed at his tall figure surrounded by people. 
Ashton and I made our way over there, and I tightened my grip on his hand. "Hey guys!" Michael shouted so we could hear him. I gave a small wave, and Ashton pulled him in for a 'bro-hug'. "Happy Birthday!" I smiled at him, and wrapped my arm back around Ashton's. I saw Finley and Amber sitting on a stool at the bar talking to another girl, who was very beautiful. She had a rose tattoo on her left shoulder, and it suited her very well. "Who's that?" I asked Ashton, pointing to said girl. I saw his eyes shift over to her and a small shrug pop from his shoulders. "I dunno, I think it's Annalise." He shrugged again, squeezing my hand in his. 
"I'm gonna get a drink, is that okay?" Ashton asked, looking at my bored features. I nodded, knowing I couldn't tell him no especially since it's his best friends birthday party. He kissed my cheek before walking away from me, and towards the bar. I made my way towards the girls, "Hey," I spoke, smiling softly. "Kayleigh! Hey, babe, how are ya?" Finley shouted, hugging me tight which caught me off guard. "Oh don't worry about her, she's drunk." Amber laughed, sipping on her beer. "That's exactly why I should worry about her." The girl with the tattoo's laughed at my joke, causing me to look over at her. "Annalise." She stuck out her hand, and I happily shook it. "Kayleigh." 
"So, you don't drink either?" I asked, kicking my feet as I sat on a stool next to her. "Nope," She popped the 'p', "Absolutely hate alcohol." Annalise grimaced, causing me to laugh. "Yeah, I agree." Annalise and I chatted for a good 15 minutes before I saw Ashton in the crowd looking for me. "Excuse me," I politely excused myself, and walked towards my boyfriend. "Hey," I poked his back. "Oh, there you are! I was looking for you, where were you?" He asked, pulling me to the booth where Luke, Michael, Calum, and some other guys were sat.  "I was talking to Amber, Finley and Annalise." I sat next to him, and looked around at the intoxicated me before me.
"Wanna dance?" Ashton whispered into my ear, placing his hand on my thigh. I looked into his eye and could see the lust hidden behind them. "Okay," I stood up, taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor. Low by Flo Rida was on, and everyone started grinding on each other. I'd never done this before so it was pretty awkward, but when I felt Ashton grinding against me I started to loosen up. His arms wrapped around my waist and he whispered the lyrics into my ear as he continued to gyrate his hips against my ass. His hand pressed against my stomach as I started to grind back against him. I smirked as a low moan fell from his lips. 
A few hours later, almost everyone here was completely pissed drunk. Luke could barely stand, Calum had thrown up twice, Ashton fell asleep with his head down on the table, Hunter was dancing with random women, Steve was doing shots at the bar with a few guys, Amber took Finley home, and Michael and Annalise are MIA.  I sat next to Ashton's slumped body, debating whether I should leave him here alone and go search for Annalise, or just wake him up and take him home. I chose to do both. So I'll wake up Ashton, then go looking for my new friend, and once I know she's okay I'll help Ashton to the car and drive him home. 
"Ash, babe wake up." I shook his shoulders roughly, causing him to jolt awake. "Hm?" He grumbled, and rubbed his eyes. "It's time to go home, but I'm gonna check on Annalise. I haven't seen her in a while so I want to make sure she's okay. Stay here, I'll be right back." Ashton nodded and sat his head back down as I walked away. 
I looked around the entire building, but couldn't find her. I guess she left. I made my way back to the booth where Ashton was, and helped him stand so we could go home. "Okay, let's go." I mumbled, hooking Ashton's shoulder over mine. It was very hard to get him to cooperate with me, but we eventually made it out of the building and started walking down the sidewalk towards his car. "You're so beautiful, you know that right?" Ashton slurred, stopping against the side of a building. "Thank you, but we have to go. It's really late," I pulled his arm and we stumbled the rest of the way to the car. 
As we approached Ashton's vehicle, I noticed the windows were fogged up as if someone had been in it. "What the hell?" I let go of Ashton, unlocking the door to see a naked Michael and Annalise in the backseat. "Really?" I spoke loudly, startling the pair. "Oh, shit. Sorry." Annalise covered herself with Michael's top and he helped her. I walked towards Ashton to let them get themselves together, and he was nearly fallen over. He walked in circles, stumbling over his own feet. "I'm so tired, babe what's taking so long?" Ashton whined, grabbing my hands. I laughed, not knowing how to tell him. "Well your car was in use, so it'll be a minute or two." He groaned and continued to walk in circles. "We're so sorry," Annalise apologized again, her cheeks tinted pink. I gave a soft smile before helping Ashton into the passenger seat, the driving to my apartment.

When we got home, I basically dragged Ashton up the stairs and onto the couch. Sheeran greeted me with a meow, and I knelt down to pet him. "Hi baby," I cooed, rubbing his fur and smiling as he purred. Soon after, he ran to the litter box leaving me aloe. I walked to my bedroom and changed into one of Ashton's large t-shirts and a pair of panties, taking my bra off. Apparently your boobs don't grow if you sleep with a bra on. And I've always worn one to bed because of the things that happened in my past. It made me feel secure in a way. 
As I was washing my face and brushing my teeth in the bathroom, Ashton came in behind me to use the toilet. "Jeez, you scared me." I laughed, spitting the toothpaste into the sink. He gave a short laugh, and I made my way to the kitchen to make sure Sheeran had food and water. He was actually eating so I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, then went to my bedroom. Ashton and I cuddled up together, and Sheeran lay at the bottom of the bed, before we fell into a blissful sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Ashton wasn't in bed and Sheeran was curled up by my side. I could hear Ashton's voice from the living room but I don't know what he was saying. I slipped out of the bed, and looked down the hallway. "Ash?" I called sleepily, walking towards him. He was sat on the couch, shirtless on the phone. "Hey, babe." He made a face at me, basically telling me to be quiet. Well okay. I raised my eyebrows, and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I don't know how long Ashton's been up but I made us both a bowl of cereal. "No, I can't do that!" Ashton shouted at the person he was on the phone with, startling me. 
I turned on the coffee pot for Ashton because I know he loves his fresh coffee. I played with Sheeran while I waited for the hot drink to finish, and heard Ashton's shouts. "Fuck you!" "That's not enough," "It won't work!" And other expletives flew from his mouth. When the coffee was done, I quickly poured him a cup and added cream and sugar before walking it to him.
"Here, babe." I smiled, but I that smile was ripped from my face as Ashton's large hand slapped the cup from my hand. "STOP Kayleigh!" I jumped back at his loud voice and stared at his fuming figure, then shifted my eyes to the broken coffee cup on the floor. "Fuck you." I mumbled, before storming off to the bedroom where I noticed the red mark on my hand and tears welled up in my eyes. 

hiii, so basically this takes place a week after the last chapter because if you remember Kayleigh's birthday is November 13th, and obviously Mikey's is November 20th :) I hope you enjoy, it took me like all day to write.
much love
payton xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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