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"Here ya go, have a lovely day."I spoke monotonously, giving a weak smile. The customer just grabbed her bag and left without a word. "Well okay then.." I thought to myself as I began ringing up my next customer's items. "Hey, are you Kayleigh?" I looked up to see a boy in my line a few customers down. "Yeah, why?" I asked, receiving money from my customer. "Oh, I'm Ashton. I live right next door to you. I don't see you out much, but I know you live there," He laughed, handing me his items once the last person was done. I gave a weak smile, "Oh yeah, you're the one in a band right?" I asked, bagging his movies. "Your total is $7.99 by the way," Ashton gave me a 10 dollar bill and told me to keep the change, which I didn't argue. I placed his change in my tip jar and thanked him. "Well could I have your number?" Ashton asked, taking his bag from me. He was the last one in my line so I had a few seconds to talk. "We should hang out sometime, I mean it can't hurt to get to know a few of your neighbors." He laughed, wiping his hair from his face. "Yeah sure, I guess.." I spoke softly, and grabbed a pen and paper, writing my number down. "Awesome, I'll text ya later." He smiled and walked out of the store. 
Well that was interesting. 

After my long, boring day of work, I decided to walk all the way home. I don't have a car yet, and I cant afford to keep getting taxi's. Plus I could always use the exercise, even though I don't live too far. I stopped into the local bookstore called "Readers Are Us" to say hi to Marilyn, my landlord. She helped me out when I first moved here, and gave me my apartment for cheap so I occasionally stop in to see how she's doing. "Hi, Mari. How are you?" I asked, walking up to her. Marilyn is a sweet old woman with deep blue eyes. I can tell she was beautiful when she was younger. "Oh hello, dear!" She smiled warmly at me, and brought me in for a hug. "I'm doing very well, and yourself?" Her voice is very soft and motherly. "I'm alright, just got off work." I rolled my eyes jokingly. She laughed and continued to place books on their proper shelves. "Well I'm gonna go, I'm pretty tired." I smiled weakly, and hugged her. "Alright, Hun. Have a great day." I nodded, and walked away. 

Once I made it to my apartment complex, I sighed in relief because my legs are sore and I'm exhausted. "Kayleigh, hey!" I heard a voice shout from behind me. I turned around to see Ashton with his friends about to walk into his room. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, giving a small wave. "This is Luke, Calum, and Michael," He pointed to his friends. "And this is Kayleigh." He introduced us to each other, and I smiled awkwardly. The boys waved and looked at Ashton, I guess they could sense the awkwardness as well. "Well do you wanna come over? And hang out for a little bit?" Ashton asked, twirling his key-ring around his finger. "Oh, maybe another time. I'm not feeling very well at the moment." I frowned slightly, and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. He seemed upset with that, so I continued. "But if I feel better later I'll come over, if that's alright. I just think I need a nap or something, I'm exhausted." Ashton smiled and nodded, satisfied with my answer. "Alright, awesome. I'll text you?" I nodded and smiled. "Bye guys," i spoke and opened my apartment door, walking in. 

Within minutes, I had changed out of my uniform and into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and lay in bed ready for sleep. As soon as my eyes closed, loud thumping came from the room next door, AKA Ashton's room. I guess he's having band practice? But I did just tell him I'm trying to nap.. Groaning, I got out of bed and walked to the living room, searching for my phone. Wait- I don't have his number yet. And I doubt he'd hear me if I called. So, I decided to walk to his apartment and complain. I don't mean to come off as a bitch, but I'm extremely tired and now I have a headache. I knocked on his door and waited patiently for someone to answer. But that didn't happen. I knocked louder this time, starting to get frustrated. "Ashton!" I shouted, practically banging on the door. A second later the drumming stopped, and rapid footsteps approached the door. "Oh, hey Kayleigh, what's up?" Ashton answered the door with Luke, I think his name was, in tow. "Hey, I'm sorry to complain but can you maybe not drum right now? I know you're in a band but I really need a nap, and I cant sleep with the drumming." I spoke, wiping my eyes. He looked angry with my complaint, but nodded anyway. "Yeah, sure. Let's just stop everything for the princess!" He almost yelled into his room. I jumped because his loud voice startled me, and i furrowed my eyebrows. "Have a nice nap." He smirked and slammed the door. 
Before I walked away, I heard Luke comment, "Mate, that wasn't very nice." 
Well fuck you, too Ashton.  Fuck you.

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