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It's been about 3 weeks since my attack. My bruises and cuts are almost fully healed and I'm not as scared to be by myself anymore. Ashton has been staying at my apartment, on the couch of course, with me because I've had nightmares. I was in the hospital for the rest of the day after my attack, then Ashton took me home. I asked him to stay over night with me because obviously I was terrified. Plus, I needed help taking care of Sheeran. I'm so glad those assholes didn't hurt him. 
Ashton and I have gotten really close, though. He's been so helpful and I'm very appreciative for that. I kinda don't want to get better so I can spend more time with him, as awful as that sounds. But he is my next door neighbor so I can basically see him whenever. Luke, Calum and Michael have been over a few times too. They absolutely adore Sheeran, which is great. 
Ashton has been taking me to and fro work as well. Yeah my boss wouldn't give me much time off. So I had to work with bruises and a sore body. But I needed to go anyway, my bills are due soon. 
"Hey, Kay?" Ashton called from my kitchen, "Do you wanna go out to lunch or something?" I stood up as quickly as my sore body would let me and nodded. "Yeah, of course." I smiled and grabbed my purse. "Wait, I'm gonna feed Sheeran first." I said and made my way to the corner that I dedicated to him. All of his toys, and food are there. I pour water into his water-bowl and dry cat foo into his food-bowl. "Okay, let's go." I smiled when I finished. 
Ashton and I ended up going to Panera Bread for lunch and I'm so happy. I haven't had Panera in so long. It still tastes as good as I remember. "My gosh, this is sooo good." I basically moaned, and Ashton laughed at me. "I used to come here all the time with my mum when I was younger." He said, sipping his soup. "So did I, well before a lot of stuff started happening, but yeah." I haven't told him anything yet, but I will soon. He knows that I come from a rough past and that I grew up in foster homes, but none of the details. Ashton gave me a small smile and reached across the table to grab my hand. "It's okay." I smiled back at him and took a sip of my sweet tea. 
After we went to lunch, we came back to my apartment and just sat down watching T.V, and I couldn't help but wish that Ashton was my boyfriend. I've never had a real boyfriend, so I won't know how to be a good girlfriend but it can't be much different that being a good friend, right? I hope not because otherwise, Ashton and I would never work out. He is the sweetest person I've ever met, and he deserves the best. And I'm afraid I won't be the one to give that to him. "What are you thinking about?"Ashton's smooth voice tore me away from my thoughts and I shook my head at him. "Oh, nothing important." I lied. He didn't look very convinced, but decided not to press the subject any further. That's what I love about him, he knows my boundaries and doesn't pry his way into my business. He respects that I will tell him whatever when I am ready.
Wait. Did I just say I love him? 
I did!
Oh my God. 
I love him. 
Too bad he isn't mine to love. 

"Are you sure you don't need me here any more?" Ashton asked, getting ready to leave. I nodded, "Yeah, but you can stay if you want. I'm pretty sure Sheeran likes you more than me anyway." I smirked at him and he laughed. "Okay, I'll stay." I mentally cheered because I love his company. "But I'm gonna get some clothes, be right back." He said and I nodded. I'm gonna take a quick shower, he knows he can let himself in. 
I haven't sang in a while, well since I had that panic attack at Ashton's a few weeks back. I decided to sing Stay With Me by Sam Smith because it's an amazing song and it's kind of how I feel anyway. 
"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just human
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?
No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control
And deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me"

After I showered, I changed into my pajamas and put my hair into a messy bun. Ashton was on the couch with his mouth open. I arched an eyebrow and gave him a weird look. "What?" I asked, checking my reflection in the mirror. "No, you just sound really amazing." He smiled, and I blushed. "Thank you." 
"No, I'm serious. You're so good." I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I've always loved my voice, but I never knew what other people thought of it because I don't sing in front of anyone. Ashton is the only exception even though technically I haven't sang in front of him. "Thanks," I said again before sitting next to him. The rest of the night, we just watched movies, eating snacks, and we ended up falling asleep on the couch together. 

The next morning I woke up ever more sore than I was last night because of the awkward position we slept in. I carefully shifted out from underneath Ashton without waking him and decided to make breakfast. I guess I will make some scrambled eggs and bacon. As I was almost done preparing the meal, Ashton woke up and nearly gave me a heart attack. "Don't sneak up on someone cooking with hot grease!" I pretended to yell at him, but ended up laughing anyway. He laughed too and wrapped his arms around my waist. Well okay. "I'm sorry," He pulled away and awkwardly looked around. "No, it's okay." I assured him, giving a soft smile. 
"Hey, um, I have a question.." Ashton started, "Do you maybe wanna go out with me? Like be my girlfriend?" My eyes grew wide and the food nearly fell out of my mouth. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I'm sorry." He said quickly when I didn't answer. "No! I would love to!" I smiled, "I just was caught off guard. I didn't think you would ask me."

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