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Ashton and I have been an official couple for about a week now, and today, we are going on a date! I'm really nervous and I don't have anyone to help me get ready! I'm pretty good at choosing outfits, but my hair and make-up will probably look messy. I want everything to be perfect tonight! I know it's our first date, but that's exactly why. First impressions happen on the first date! Plus I don't want to look back at this in 10 years time and think, "Remember when I completely embarrassed myself in front of Ashton on our first date?" 
In preparation for our date, I brought out my make-up box (which is lacking), some nail polish and my hair brush. After I showered this morning, my hair decided to be naturally wavy/ curly, so I'm going to do a simple waterfall braid. It was actually harder than I had expected, but it looks great. Now onto my nails. I haven't picked an outfit out yet, so I should probably do that before painting my nails. I settled on a simple pink crop top, and a black skirt. I don't really like showing my stomach, so I'm going to pull my skirt up to the bottom of the top. It actually looks really cute, I'm proud of myself. 
After taking about an hour and a half to get ready, I was finally finished and  i look hot . I hope Ashton thinks so too. He is coming to get me in a few minutes, and then we're going to the movies. We might go to dinner after the movie but we haven't decided yet. Minutes later, Ashton was at my door. And suddenly I was more nervous than before. "Hey," I answered the door and moved to the side, letting him in. He smiled at me and walked to the kitchen table, sitting at a chair. "I just need to get my shoes on and I'll be ready," I called to Ashton as I walked back to my bedroom. My pink flats were sitting on my bed, so I grabbed them and quickly made my way back to my boyfriend. boyfriend. boyfriend. boyfriend. I still can't believe Ashton is my boyfriend, it's so crazy. I mean, yeah I think I'm attractive, but Ashton is just stunning. 
Ashton and I watched 'Mocking Jay part 1' which was great. Jennifer Lawrence never fails to amaze me! She's so beautiful and an astounding actress.  Liam Hemsworth is pretty hot too. Anyway, the movie was great and we're going to Applebee's right now. "Jennifer is so hot," Ashton all but drooled, and I playfully hit him. "Heyyy!" I whined, but I know she's hot so I'm not bothered by it. "I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not." He laughed, winking at me. I laughed and took a sip of my tea. I drink tea a lot. "Are you having fun?"Ashton asked a few minutes into our meal. I nodded, swallowing a bite of my burger. "Yeah of course! I haven't had this much fun in so long." I smiled, grabbing his hand from across the table. He smiled back and nodded, "Yeah? I'm really glad to hear that." We finished our food in a comfortable silence, with the occasional smile and wink. 
"Look at him!" I laughed, clutching my stomach. Ashtons and I's laughs filled the room as we watched Sheeran chase the red laser. He was running up the walls and into the table. He's so cute, and this is hilarious. "It hurts," I squeaked, wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks from laughing so hard. Sheeran eventually got tired and curled up into a ball on his bed. "He's the cutest kitten I've ever seen," Ashton cooed from beside me and I nodded in agreement. "I know, he's amazing." I've never really had an pets so of course Sheeran is the best one I've ever had. "I should get going, I'm going to visit my family tomorrow." Ashton stood up, and put Sheeran's laser down. "Oh okay," I started. "I had a great time tonight," I awkwardly looked around the room and watched as he got all of his things together. "Me too," He smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "I'll see you soon, good night." I walked him to my front door, "Night!" I smiled as he left, and decided to clean up my apartment. I haven't been here much today, but I also haven't been cleaning as much as I should be so the mess has been piling up, which makes me very angry. I hate mess. 
Once I finished cleaning, I took a quick shower and got ready for bed. Today was pretty productive and I'm proud of myself for not being so awkward. Ashton makes everything I do seem so natural and normal, even if I'm completely new to it. He just makes me feel so great about myself, and I guess I could say he brings out the best in me. I hope I make him feel the same way. I know we haven't been together for very long, but he just makes me so happy. I ended up falling asleep to thoughts about Ashton, and I'm not even mad because they were good thoughts. 
The next morning, I woke around 8 to several text messages from Ashton saying good morning, letting me know he will be at his mum's until tomorrow morning, and that he misses me already. Aw he's so sweet, I sent a quick reply saying that I miss him too, then continued to read my messaged. I also had a text from a random number saying "Australia, huh?" What the hell? I'm confused. "Who is this?" I respond before setting the phone down and getting ready for work. I really don't feel like going to work, but I know I won't have anything to do if I call in sick, so I decided to go anyway. 
Sheeran meowed at me as soon as I walked into the kitchen, "Hi baby!" I filled his bowls up and pet his head. "Mama's gotta go to work." I told him as if he understood. He didn't seem to care much and immediately started munching on his food. I grabbed an apple and made my way out of the door, locking it in the process. 

Today at work, my manager decided that I will be stacking DVD's. This is so boring. "Hi, excuse me?" A feminine voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hi, how can I help you?" I asked, putting on my fakest smile."I was wondering if you have the Hunger Games movies?" She asked, and I smiled a real smile. I love the Hunger Games. "Yeah, Catching Fire is in aisle 2, and Hunger Games is in aisle 7." She smiled back, "Alright thank you." I wonder what her name is, she seems pretty cool. As I was stacking the last pile of movies, I got another text from the anonymous number. "It's Dylan, who else would text you?" As I read it, my blood went cold and I nearly passed out. My hands started shaking and my breathing got heavy. How can he have my number? How does he know where I am? Within seconds, I realized I was having another panic attack, and I collapsed to the floor. A few people surrounded me and called 911. The girl who asked for the Hunger Games movies kneel next to me and started instructing me to breathe slowly. "It's okay, breathe. In and Out." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Minutes later, I was fine and could breathe better. An ambulance came, but I had to assure them I was okay. 
"Hey, thank you so much for helping me." I croaked to the girl who saved me, well not really, It's not like I could die from a panic attack but she sure did help. "Hey, it's no problem. I'm Finley by the way." She put her hand out for me to shake, to which I accepted. "Kayleigh." 

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