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When I woke up, I automatically knew the boys would be crashed out in the living room, surrounded by a mess and I would be the one to clean it up. I groaned as I saw the sight in front of me; beer bottles scattered across the floor and 4 boys lay slumped against the walls. "Fucking idiots," I mumbled to myself as I started to pick up the bottles. I noticed there were a few stains on the carpet, and it took every fiber in my body to not wake them all up by banging pots and pans together. Sheeran jumped on the couch while I was cleaning, and he meowed loudly, probably wanting the spilled beer out of his fur. "Aw poor baby, what did they do to you?" I asked, petting him softly. He purred and pushed himself against my touch, causing me to smile. Wow I love this cat, he's so amazing. 
As mad as I am right now, I figured yelling at them while they're hungover wouldn't be the best idea. So, I decided to prepare myself for their complaints when they do wake up. I grabbed 4 glasses of water, and the bottle of Advil, placing the items on the kitchen table. I also made 5 bowls of Raisin Bran and fed Sheeran while I was at it. I swear, sometimes I feel more like a mother to these guys than I do a friend. 
About a half hour later, the boys started waking up one by one, groaning at the sunlight. I may or may not have purposely opened the blinds. "Dude, it's so bright what the hell?" Michael covered his eyes and curled up in a ball. "Good morning!" I all but shouted causing them to moan in pain. I smirked and walked closer to them. "I have some water, Advil and Raisin Bran in the kitchen for you guys. Oh, and thanks for trashing my apartment." I said as calmly as I could, then walked to my bedroom, Sheeran following close behind. 

"Thanks for helping us. And we're sorry about being drunk assholes!" Luke joked as he, Calum and Michael were leaving. I laughed, "It's alright," I spoke halfheartedly. "Bye." Ashton is taking a shower so I'm left with cleaning the rest of my apartment. I'm tempted to make him do it, but I need to scrub these spills in order to take some of my anger out. I heard the shower stop running so I quickly grabbed my headphones and played my music loudly before he could start a conversation. I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but I've always had a problem managing my anger, and it's not like I'm screaming at him or anything bad like that. 
I could see his shadow walking around the kitchen as I cleaned the floor, but all I could hear was Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream'. I don't know if he's trying to talk to me, so I started humming along as a sign that I can't hear him if he was trying. "Kayleigh!" I heard him shout, so I pulled a head phone out of my ear. "Hmm?" I asked, still scrubbing the carpet. "I called your name like 10 times, why are you listening to your music so loud?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh, I dunno, I'm just cleaning.. your mess." I mumbled the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear me. "What was that?" He said, walking closer to me. "Nothing, I just said I'm cleaning your mess." I spoke indignantly, standing up and walking to the kitchen to wash my hands. "Whatever," He rolled his eyes, but followed after me anyway. 
"It's not 'whatever'" I mocked his voice, "You know how much I hate messes, but yet I come home from work to you see 4 fucking strippers at MY house, and you guys are all plastered leaving a mess everywhere, without the decency to clean it up!" I through my hands in the air, storming off to my bedroom. Ashton grabbed my elbow before I could make it there, "Let go of  me," I spat, ripping myself from his grip. "Kayleigh," He called after me, and luckily for him by bedroom door is still broken from when I was attacked. "What?!" I turned around and he pulled me to his chest. 
"I'm sorry," He said softly. "I'm sorry for the mess, for getting drunk in your house, for grabbing your arm like that and for the strippers which by the way Michael called over and I didn't let them touch me. I'm loyal, I would never do that to you. Especially in your house." I sighed in relief at his confession, and wrapped my arms around his torso. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I-I don't get angry very often, but when I do I never know how to manage it.." I said sheepishly. He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine, "It's okay, I understand. Plus you're really cute when you're angry." Ashton smirked down at me, "Aren't I always?" I pulled away from our embrace and flopped down on my bed. Ashton lay down next to me and wrapped his body around mine. 
"How do you always have money?" I asked, rubbing my hands up and down his spine. "I'm in a band you know, we perform at like bars and clubs and get paid quite a lot." He laughed and I looked up at him. "Really? I knew you were in a bad but I didn't know you performed anywhere. When do you perform, you're like always here." I nuzzled my face against his neck and sighed in contentment. "All the time, usually when you work and I have nothing to do,"  He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up to his, pressing our lips together softly. "Wow, I never knew that." I smiled and closed my eyes, just kissing him for a while.

The last 3 weeks have been amazing. Ashton brought me to a few of his shows, and it was so cool! I could feel  the passion he had, as well as Calum, Luke and Michael. They all have awesome voices, and their music is so good. They're gonna make it big in life and I can't wait for that. They deserve it. Things have been getting pretty serious with Ashton and I, I'm meeting his family later on today. Well we're actually on our way to his mom's (or mum as he would say) house and I don't think I could be any more nervous, but Ashton says I have nothing to worry about. He's 100% sure his sister will love me, which is very assuring. 
I was wearing this, and I loved my hair. I had Finely come over to help me because I'm not very good at doing my hair. Ashton thinks my nails are too long, and he says I'm gonna poke my eye out, but he never complains when I'm scratching his back. He's one odd man. My fingers fidgeted with my bracelet and I sighed, looking out the window. Ashton reached his hand across the console and laced our fingers together. "It's alright babe, they're gonna love you. It's just my mum, brother and sister." I nodded and squeezed his hand.
Once we pulled into the driveway, my nerves tripled and I was basically shaking. Ashton pulled me in for a reassuring kiss before we made our way to the front door.
Well here we go...

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