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Work was very stressful. I know, I work at a video shop, how stressful can it be? Well let me explain. Two women came into the store today and tried to steal several movies. I was the only one at the front today, so I had to stop them which was awful. One of the women ended up punching me in the eye and the other kicked my ankle. But don't worry, I stopped them. Not really, but I distracted them long enough to get other coworkers to help me. My boss gave me the rest of the day and tomorrow off because it actually was a little nerve-wrecking. Plus my eye is swollen and bruised. After I got home I changed into some comfy clothes. 

I had planned to go shopping today after work, but I don't want to go out in public with a black eye. People will stare and assume things that isn't any of their business. I might ask Marilyn to do some shopping for me, since she's really the only person I know, let alone trust. She's also really sweet and I know she wouldn't steal from me. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number, not even thinking that she might still be at work. "Hello?" Her soft voice answered, but she sounds sick. "Hey Marilyn, how are you?" I asked, biting my thumb nail. I heard her cough a few times before answering, "Hi love. I'm not too well at the moment, been feeling very sick. Why, did you need something?" Her voice is still so soothing even with the rough, sickness added to it. "Oh, well I was wondering if you could do some shopping for me. You see, there was some trouble at work today and now I have a black eye. But you're sick, so don't worry about it." I smiled through the phone. "Oh dear, are you alright? But I'm sorry I can't shop for you. I would if I wasn't sick. But I've gotta go, have a nice night Hun." Marilyn quickly hung the phone up and I assumed she was going to puke or something. I feel bad for her, though. 
As I was scrolling through animal websites on my phone, I got a text from a random number. 
to: Kayleigh 
hii it's Ashton, do you wanna hang out today? xx

Oh, It's Ashton. I saved his name in my contacts as 'Ash' and quickly typed a response. 
to: Ash
oh heeey. yeah i guess but could u do me a favor pls&thxxx

He and I text for a few minutes before I got up and started writing my list. Yeah, I asked him to go to the store for me, haha. My list was just a few basic items like milk, eggs, bread, cereal and green tea flavored tea bags. I'm in love with tea. It's basically all I drink other than water and an occasional soda. But I'm gonna actually go real grocery shopping for myself once my eye is healed. 
I grabbed a $50 dollar bill from my purse and slipped on a pair of sandals before walking the money and list to Ashton's apartment. He answered the door almost immediately and gasped when he saw my eye. Oh yeah, I may or may not have forgotten to mention that part. "Oh my gosh, Kayleigh, are you okay? What happened?" He rushed over to me and grabbed my face, closely examining the bruise. I quickly explained everything to him and laughed at his response. "Wow, I thought you were gonna say something bad-ass like you fought someone trying to rob you." We chatted for a few minutes before I handed him the money and list. "Thanks again!" I called after him before I  walked back to my room. 

Ashton returned to my house with the groceries fairly quickly, and I let him keep the change of the $50. He insisted he didn't, but he let me keep the change at the video shop the other day, and he could use  it as gas money. Plus it's just the right thing to do. He helped me put the items away, which I was grateful for because let's be honest, I hate putting groceries away. "What time do you want me to come over?" I asked once we were done putting everything away. Ashton shrugged and checked the time on his phone. "Whenever you want, really. The guys aren't coming for another hour or two, so I guess 4 is a good time." I nodded and awkwardly looked at the floor, "Well thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it. And I'll see you soon." I politely smiled and walked him to my door. He said a quick 'no problem' before smiling and walking back to his room.

I took a quick shower, and sang Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. He's hands down my favorite musician. I love him so much, like it's probably weird, but I don't really care. Gosh he's so talented and just perfect. After my shower, I changed into this, and did my hair quickly. Well not actually quickly because I had to blow dry it and then curl it. But you get what I'm saying. I don't normally do my hair very often so it took a while for me to get it the way I wanted it to look. Once I was done though, it was almost time for me to leave. I sent a quick text to Ashton, letting him know that I was about to come over, and put my black Vans on. I love Vans, they're my favorite shoe brand. With one last look around my living room to make sure I don't forget anything, though it wouldn't be bad considering I live literally next door, I turned the lights off and made my way to Ashton's door. 

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