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"S-stop!" I wheezed from laughing so hard. Ashton and Michael are currently impersonating some actors, and it's hilarious! Luke and Calum were laughing at me because I have a really weird laugh. "I can't breathe!" I basically shouted, my stomach hurt from the laughing. I had no idea these guys were so funny! I've lived next to Ashton for over a year and we're just now becoming friends. Wow. Ashton noticed my struggle and started laughing himself. His laugh is totally adorable! "Haha, wooo." I spoke, still laughing slightly. "That was so funny." I wiped the underneath of my eyes and rested my hands on my sore ab muscles. "So, I heard you singing earlier.."Ashton said to me when the other boys were in their own conversation. My eyes grew wide, and I immediately blush. "Really?!" I squeaked from embarrassment, I didn't know I sang so loudly. Ashton nodded, "Yeah, it was amazing. Plus Ed Sheeran is a great musician, so I can't yell at you for being so loud."He joked, referring to my complaint about his drumming. "Heey!" I whined, playfully slapping his arm. He pretended he was hurt and I laughed at him. "Anyway, you should sing for us." Ashton said, and Luke's ears perked up. "You sing?" He asked, looking genuinely interested in my answer. I shrugged, "Not really. I mean, yeah, but it's just for fun. Not like as serious as you guys." I explained, smoothing my hair down. By now, Calum and Michael had joined our conversation as well, and I started to get nervous. Not because they're interested in the conversation, but because they want me to sing for them. I get so shy around people, I don't think I'll be able to sing in front of them without passing out. 


"Come onnn,"

"Why not?"

"We'll love you forever,"

The four boys in front of me begged and begged  me to sing in front of them, which caused me to be even more anxious. I think I'm having a panic attack! I stood up abruptly, and the pleading stopped. My eyes were wide with panic, and I started wheezing. "I, I can't b-breathe." I gasped for air and suddenly fell to the floor. Tears welled in my eyes, "Shit!" "Oh god," Michael and Calum yelled out, quickly rushing to my assistance. Ashton and Luke were at my side a second later, and all 4 of them looked at each other, panicking as well because they had no idea what to do. "Kayleigh, hey. hey. You're okay. It's okay." Ashton's voice was suddenly heard and he lifted my head. "Hey, you're okay. Just breathe." He started doing breathing exercises, and I copied him, the tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt a hand caress my cheek, and suddenly the other 3 boys were breathing with Ashton and I. "Turn the T.V off,"Ashton instructed and I started crying harder because I couldn't breathe and this was so scary. Calum immediately reached for the remote and turned it off. We were left in silence, other than my heavy, shaking breaths. Ashton's hand was still gently caressing my cheek, which helped me calm down a lot. It was very soothing. 
A few minutes later, I started to feel normal again: my breathing had evened out and I stopped shaking. "Hey, are you alright?" Michael's voice spoke softly, and my eyes shifted towards him. My body stayed stiff, and the only thing that moved were my eyes. "Y-yeah.." I spoke quietly, and wiped the dried tears from my eyes. The boys, minus Ash because my head was propped up on his knees, all scooted away from me, to give me a little space, but I can tell they were curious as to what happened. I directed my eyes on Ashton, "How did you know what to do?" I asked, placing my hand on top of his, that was on my cheek. He shrugged, "My little sister has panic attacks all the time, I guess I just learned." He chuckled, and smiled down at me. "Thank you guys. So much." I sat up slowly, and made my way to hug each of the boys. "I was so scared that none of you knew what to do, and that made me panic even more," The boys laughed, and smiled. 
The atmosphere was awkward after my attack. We all just sat staring around the room. "Wellll, I have to go," Michael stood up, fixing his shirt. "He's our ride so I guess we have to go too," Luke laughed, Calum nodded and they both stood as well. "Alright, see ya later, lads. Drive safe!" Ashton said, walking them to the door. "Thanks again!" I called out before the door closed. Now it's just Ashton and I. Even more awkward. "Well what do you wanna do? I have some movies, or we could go get something to eat if you're up for it." I smiled at Ashton and started walking towards the door, "Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving." He smiled back, and grabbed his car keys before exiting the door. 
Ashton and I ended up going to a Chick-Fil-A which is just, ugh. Oh my God, I love Chick-Fil-A! We both ended up getting some of their legendary nuggets and waffle fries with a Cookies n Cream milkshake. We drove back to his place and watched a movie called Interstellar. It was really good! Of course it is though, Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey are amazing. It was now 10 p.m. Oh my gosh, I had no idea it was this late! "Wow, it's getting pretty late. I should go." I stood up, and threw my trash away. "Aw, okay." Ashton frowned, and threw his trash away too. "I had a great time, Ash." I smiled, putting my shoes on. He nodded, "Yeah it was pretty fun. We should do this again sometime?"
"Yeah, definitely. Just text me."

"Will do," He smiled cheekily, and walked me to his door. I turned around quickly and pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you, Ashton. For everything." I spoke quickly before walking out of his door and down the hall to my room. Once I got inside, I walked to my bedroom and grabbed a pair of pajamas before heading to the shower. The water was hot and it felt so great on my back. After I showered, I lay in bed and received a text from Ashton, 
to: Kayleigh
good night :) 

to; Ash
good night ;) xx

I think i'm falling for Ashton. Granted, I've only known him for a few days, but he's so sweet and just absolutely wonderful. 

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