The update - Next story updates

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Hi everyone! ^_^

I just wanted to start off saying thank you to everyone who has followed me and followed this story that I created.

I never thought so many people would want to read my story.

The first couple of chapters do need looking at again and now I have an editor (Thank you always Leo) we will go back at re-write those early chapters.

Anyway! The next story will be starting up again at the beginning of March 2021. The goal is to post every weekend (either Fridays or Saturdays, depending on if I forget)

I have the first couple of chapters done and I'm hoping to get more written before March. I'm really excited for you all to start the new story. Also as always anyone that comments/follows/votes for chapter will get a little shout out at the bottom on each chapter. I appreciate every notification i get from you all.

Love you all and we will see you very soon, for 'Save Him'

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