The Reaction

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you a heads up before continuing with 'I Can't Lose You.' This is the longest chapter I've done to date, so grab some snacks and hold on to your hats.

Also, this story has hit 750 reads which is mind-blowing. Didn't think that anyone would actually read and enjoy my writing. Anyway, I will leave you be! ENJOY! XOXO

"You're so cute yet so mean Katsuki Bakugou." She smiled back at him, walking away slowing letting her fingers unlace from his.

She shot him a smile as she opened the large glass and stepped through it. Walking straight into Kirishima.

"Whoa, careful Uraraka," Kirishima said jokingly.

Ochaco blushed hard, realising that she was too busy looking at Katsuki to watch where she was going. "Sorry Kirishima, I wasn't looking at where I was going. I should pay more attention."

"Don't sweat it Uraraka. Are you okay? I don't need Bakugou on my case if I hurt you." Kirishima laughed.

Ochaco decided to play dumb, she knew why Katsuki went to Krishimas room the night before. But he didn't know she knew.

"Why would Katsuki be on your case?" She smiled. "It's not like we're dating." She raised her eyebrow at him.

Kirishima smiled down at Ochaco, knowing full well what she meant but he wanted Bakugou to tell him everything.

"Speaking of Bakugou, have you seen him this morning? I knocked on his door and he didn't run out threatening to kill me so I guessed he was up. Is he around?" Kirishima questioned.

"Yeah, he's outside." Ochaco smiled at him.

"Awesome, I need to talk to him. He said he was meeting a cute girl this morning and I need some info."

Ochaco wrinkled her nose at him, knowing that he was teasing her.

"I don't think Katsuki is the kind of guy that would kiss and tell." She winked at Kirishima, as she stepped out of his way. Kirishima practically sprinted out of the door towards Katsuki.

She took a deep breath and walked over to where Yaoyorozu was sitting, at the large dining table where they ate all their meals. Her nose was stuck in a book and she was making notes without even looking. A pot of tea and a half-empty cup sat beside her.

"Hi, Yaoyorozu," Ochaco said quietly.

Yaoyorozu looked up to see Ochaco standing in front of her. She set down her pen.

"Good morning again Uraraka. How was breakfast?" Yaoyorozu asked kindly.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about. Can I sit?"

Yaoyorozu nodded and poured Ochaco a cup of tea, sliding it across the table to where Ochaco had sat down.

"Yaoyorozu the truth is," Ochaco took to cup in her hands and stared into the warm liquid, hoping that the tea would make this conversation easier. "The truth is, I didn't go to breakfast with my parents this morning, that was a lie."

"A lie? Why would you lie Uraraka?" Yaoyorozu was hurt that her friend had lied to her, but being the person she was, she decided to hear what Uraraka had to say.

"I'll tell you the whole story, as you're going to find out eventually and I feel awful about lying to you this morning. And I truly am sorry," Ochaco took a deep breath.

"Last night, when I went upstairs after we go back, Katsuki came to my room. He was worried about me after he saw the news coverage about the mission and I think it sparked something in him because he told me something, something I didn't think he would ever confess. He told me that he loved me."

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