The Kiss

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Bakugou moved his hand so it was covering hers. "I love you, Ochaco."

'Katsuki loves me?' Ochaco couldn't believe it. The most handsome boy in all of class 1A, heck he was most likely the most handsome boy in their year at UA.

"I've loved you since the first day I saw you, the day of the entrance exam. Before you helped that shitty Deku from falling on his stupid face." Uraraka was shocked to hear the words that were pouring out of Bakugou's mouth.

Katsuki was fully sobbing at this point. Ochaco wiped away a tear that was rolling down his cheek with her thumb.

Suddenly realising that they were still on the floor. She took her free hand and helped the broken man stand up. He was still unsteady on his feet but Ochaco knew he would not fall again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"You're so smart Ochaco and funny and just the kindest person I know and I haven't told you any of those until now, because..." He paused, letting out another sob. "Because who could ever love a loveless person like me. I'm horrible and vicious and I push everyone away."

Uraraka couldn't believe what she was hearing. She never had any indication from Bakugou that this is how he felt. How could he go on for so long and not say anything.

"Katsuki that's not true, you're not horrible. Sure you can be a little mean sometimes but you wouldn't be you if you weren't. Why haven't you said anything before today?" She ran her fingers through his hair, keeping her pinkies tucked in.

"I don't know. I didn't think you'd feel the same way but after watching the news I couldn't go on and not tell you. What if something happened to you?" Bakugou snaked his arms around Ochacos waist and pulled her close to him. Nuzzling his face into her shoulder.

"You have to remember what we're both here to do Katsuki. We're here to be heroes. Which means we're going to go up against villains all the time. I'm glad that you worry about me but you have to remember I can take care of myself. Okay?" She could feel him nodding into her shoulder.

She moved her left hand from around his neck, placing it underneath his chin, lifting his face gently. Ochaco looked into his red eyes, eyes of the person she cared about the most.

Sure she cared for Deku but in a different way. She admired him for his passion of being the number one hero. And sure she had a little crush on him but what Katsuki made her feel was something on a different level.

When she met Bakugou on the first day of class he immediately caught her eye. He was so handsome, unfortunately his personality and his attitude towards everyone put her off, it wasn't until the Sports Festival that she started to have feelings for him again.

During the festival he called her by her name. He also called her 'Angel Face' which is probably the nicest thing Katsuki has ever said to anyone. She also watched the Sports Festival back once she got home, paying special attention to her fight with Bakugou to see if there was anything else she could have done to win, when she noticed something that Bakugou did when he finally defeated her. the camera panned to his face and he looked genuinely concerned for her.
At the time she brushed it off but now looking back it makes sense.

Also the days following the Sports Festival Asui said that Kaminari had berated Bakugou for 'blasting a fragile little girl' and Bakugou snapped back saying that he didn't think of her as fragile. Again this was something Ochaco brushed off as friendly sportsmanship. But now everything was starting to become clear to her.

She did love him back and she had missed every signal that Katsuki was sending her.

"Katsuki, I... I love you too."

Ochaco knew what she neede-no. not needed. What she wanted to do. She stretched up onto her tiptoes and met Katsukis' lips with hers. The kiss was soft and gentle, Ochaco could feel the explosive blonde's arms wrapping tight around her, deepening the kiss. Kissing her back, she could feel the smile on his lips.

'Oh my God. Oh my God. I am kissing Katsuki Bakugou. My first actual kiss and I'm kissing Katsuki and he is actually kissing me back.' Her head was spinning and her stomach was doing flips. This was something she never thought would happened in her wildest dreams. (Well maybe in her wildest dreams.) Ochaco never wanted this to end.

Suddenly she felt Katsuki tense up and pull away. He dropped his arms to his side and stepped out of Uraraka's embrace.

He saw that the jumper that he had given to Ochaco had fallen to the floor. He picked up the fabric that had collected at Ochacos feet and handed it to her.

Bakugou cleared his throat and said. "Well, it's getting late, I better get going."

Ochaco stood there, dumbstruck. She didn't have the words. She watched as Bakugou started to walk out on her. "Please Katsuki, please don't go." She could already feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have to." He said and he walked through her room and walked out the door. She walked after him, hoping he would stop and talk to her. He closed the door on her face before she reached him.

'Why?' Ochaco thought to herself? Before she slid down the wall next to her door, crying softly. Not knowing what she did wrong.

"Damn it! What am I doing? What are you doing?" Katsuki said to himself on the other side of the door, his back pressed against Ochaco's door.

"I could ask you the same thing Bakugou." A familiar voice came from the stairway.


Thank for reading the 3rd chapter of I Can't Lose You.

I hope everyone has been enjoying it so far. I'm very excited for the coming chapters. Coming soon!

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