The Necklace

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Ochaco's POV

The day seemed arrive too early for Ochaco's liking, sleep was one of her top five things she loved to do. Sleep had come easy to Ochaco the night before, in the protection of her lover's arms. No nightmares to haunt her dreams.

Ochaco already knew that Katsuki would be gone but she hoped he was still sound asleep beside her. She squinted, slowly letting her eyes adjust the early morning sun.
She rolled over and saw that the bed was empty with no sign of Bakugou. She must have been in a deep sleep when Katsuki left as she never remembered waking up.

She sighed sadly and rolled back over, to face her slightly messy bedroom. Her eyes settling on a large bunch of flowers, a massive envelope and a box of chocolate which were sat on her bedside table.

Ochaco smiled deeply, quickly tossed the covers off herself, threw her legs out of bed and leaned forward to pick up the envelope. It was a big A3 card, the envelope was a pastel pink colour with 'Pink Cheeks' written in Katsuki's neat handwriting.

Ochaco chuckled to herself, Katsuki could always make her laugh even if he wasn't in the room. She ripped open the envelope revealing the most beautiful, intricate card that Ochaco had ever seen.

It was a little unknown fact about Katsuki is that he loved to draw in his spare time, and that he was really good at it. And if she told anyone about it, it would be the last thing she did.

The drawing on the front was a little cartoon of the two (pictured above) sat next to each other. Katsuki holding a heart, smiling over at the little cartoon Ochaco, and Ochaco was holding a bunch of flowers. Which where not disimilar from the bunch of flowers on her bedside table.

Ochaco's finger lightly traced the image before she opened the card, which exploded with glitter. Ochaco giggled and shook the glitter from her hair and face.

Inside the card Katsuki had written.
'Suprise Angel Face! I can't believe it's been a whole year since you agreed to meet me at the fountain. And I REALLY can't believe that you said yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend. Not a day goes by where I don't wake up and count my lucky stars that this all isn't a dream, everyday has been an adventure with you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope that I get to call you mine for the rest of my life. I love you to the moon and back again.
Forever yours, Katsuki.'

Ochaco felt a single happy tear trail down her cheek. She set the card down and wiped away her face. Ochaco knew that if she let herself cry, even if it was happy crying, she wouldn't get anything else done for the rest of the day.

She looked around her room and saw glitter everywhere. 'I'm going to kill him.' She thought to herself. She jumped out of bed and dusted herself off, sending a flood of glitter dacing to the floor. 'I'll clean this up later. I have to get ready to go.'

Ochaco walked into her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth. Running her hands through her bed ridden hair, trying to look at least half human.

Ochaco threw on a blush pink T-Shirt; a light coloured denim dungaree dress, and cream dolly shoes. She put on light makeup and grabbed her white leather backpack, which Katsuki had bought for her birthday. And she set off to town, first stopping by the security office to hand her permission slip in.

She put her earphones in and listened to music on her route into town, which was a twenty minute walk from UA.
Ochaco was hoping that she wouldn't be recognised while she was out and about. Even thought that status of 'Celebrity' went hand in hand with being a popular hero, she still wasn't use to the attention.
Especially after coming in sixth in the sport this last year, which was a significant upgrade from her first year.

Ochaco made it safely to the jewellery shop, where she was greeted by the old man who owned the shop.

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