The Confrontation

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~~Bakugou's POV~~

After Toga stepped through the warpgate, everything seemed to slingshot forward. Katsuki was in a daze, people shouting and moving him. The solution that Toga had injected into Bakugou temporarily paralysed him.

Everything was a blur, at some point they moved him to Recovery Girl’s room. All he could think of was Toga's words. 'Join us, and the girl will live.' Seven words rattled around his head. 

Katsuki sat with a stoney look on his face while people came to visit him, his eyes fixed onto one spot at the end of his hospital bed. He knew what he had to do, but he also knew the consequences. The only time that Katsuki spoke was when Aziawa asked what Toga said and where Ochaco was.

After a couple of days in hospital, when the feeling to his ligaments finally returned to him, he was allowed to go back to the dorms. Everyone swarmed him, asking questions and trying to comfort him. Kirishima and Deku acted as Katsuki’s bodyguards until he got back into his dorm room. “Do you want us to stay?” Deku finally said as he closed the door on the other 1-A students.

Bakugou walked over to his desk and pulled out a small jewellery box, he opened it slowly and looked at the necklace within, it was an anniversary gift for Ochaco. A thin silver chain with an Infinity symbol pendant, he ran his fingers lightly over the chain. ‘I’m coming for you baby. I promise.’ He quickly closed the box and put in back into the draw that he got it from.

“Kacchan?” Deku said quietly. Katsuki turned to face his friends who were standing near the door. “It’s not your fault you know?” Deku said with his head bowed.

“Deku, I-” Katsuki tried to protest.

“No Kacchan,” Deku’s head snapped up to look at his friend. “You cannot blame yourself for this. There was nothing that you could do to stop this from happening.”

Katsuki tensed his jaw, his head hung low, staring at his shoes. “You’re wrong Deku, I could have kept my mouth shut.” Katsuki rested against his desk, folding his arms across his chest, lazily looking up at his friends. Who both looked at each other.

“I could have said nothing at all last year and she would be safe. She wouldn’t be mine,” He sighed. “But she would be safe. God only knows what those monsters are doing to her. Just to get to me.” Katsuki fought back tears. This whole situation was his worst nightmare.

“You guys can go. I’m not going to mobbed in here. Thanks by the way.” He mumbled while he walked over to his bed, he heard the door open, assuming his friends had left him to his own devices. Bakugou picked up one of the scatter cushions that Ochaco insisted that he buy to make his room look less ‘All Mighty’  as she put it.

It was no secret that Katsuki was an All Might fan. Maybe not as much as Deku and Bakugou's room wasn't a homage to All Might like Deku's room was but Katsuki did have a couple of figurines and posters around his room. Including an All Might bedding set which Katsuki refused to get rid of, much to Ochaco’s dismay. 

Katsuki smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around the cushion, pulling it into a tight embrace, squeezing his eyes shut. He was in his own world, Katsuki didn’t even notice that Kirishima was still in the room. Not until he rested his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, which pulled Katsuki back into the room.

“They’ll find her Bakugou. Mr Aziawa and the other heroes will bring Uraraka home.” Kirishima spoke quietly, almost like he was scared that if he spoke too loud that it wouldn’t be true. 

Katsuki shook his head. “No,” He looked up at Kirishima. “They aren’t going to find her,” Katsuki paused. “I’m going to bring her home.”

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