The Morning After

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Katsuki didn't get much sleep that night. His mind played over the nights events over and over, trying to think what he was going to tell Ochaco in the morning. 'I have to tell her the truth, she deserves that much.' He actually went to his desk and tried to write out what he was going to say but the words weren't coming out the way he wanted. 'This isn't something I can script. It needs to come from the heart. She has to understand that I'm staying away from her because I'm trying to protect her. I would have told her sooner but if the League of Villains found out...' It wasn't worth thinking about, it wasn't worth thinking about what they might do to her to get to him. 'If they knew at the training camp that I loved her, I could have put her at risk of being kidnapped, and who knows what they would have done to try and convince me to convert to the League.'

He would have done anything to get her back if she was taken. He would probably join their dumb group if it meant protecting her.

Eventually, he found himself back in his bed. Tossing and turning the rest of the night. The dreams that he did have were filled with Ochaco being kidnapped and tortured, in an attempt to make him join the League. Images of Ochaco covered in blood, crying out for him flashed through his mind, and images of the members of the league laughing as they hurt her. Bakugou awoke from his nightmare, yelling Ochacos name, covered in sweat. He was breathless, and now he was pissed off. He wiped the sweat that had beaded on his brow with the back of his hand, at that moment he realized that he had been crying too.

Katsuki looked at the clock that was on his bedside table and it read. '5:45 am' Well now was a good enough time to wake up. Katsuki didn't think he would be sleeping anytime soon. He swung his legs over the side of his bed, rubbing whatever sleep was in his eyes. Katsuki needed to clear his mind, and nothing cleared his mind better than a workout. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair before standing up and walking towards the set of drawers. Katsuki pulled out a pair of navy blue jogging bottoms and a white vest. He also grabbed his towel and bathroom stuff, knowing he would need to shower when he got back.

He opened his door and walked downstairs to the shower room, not expecting anyone else to be up at this time of the morning. At the bottom of the stairs was Todoroki.

"Are you stalking me half and half?" Katsuki said abruptly

"I have better thing to do with my time than follow you around Bakugou," Todoroki said plainly. "What are you doing up so early? Considering last nights late escapades?"

Katsuki scowled at Todoroki. "That's none of your business, you Icy-Hot bastard."

Todoroki shook his head as he started his ascent up the stairs. When Todoroki was at the same eye level with Katsuki he said, "I meant what I said last night, by the way. Uraraka is a good person. Whatever is going on between you two, just don't hurt her. She deserves more than that."

"Why do you care so much about Ochacos' happiness?" Katsuki Blurted bitterly.

"Uraraka is my friend, and I try to keep my friends from being hurt, that's why I want to become a hero. Also, we've got another two and a half years at UA. I don't want to hear you two squabbling for that long. If you hurt her Bakugou, mark my words, I will hurt you."

Katsuki glared at Todoroki. 'Does Icy-Hot have a crush on Ochaco? That bastard can't have her, she's mine!' Katsuki tensed his jaw. 'Am I jealous of half and half? Do I have any right to be jealous? Do I have any right to claim her as my own?'

"What are you going to do half and half?" Katsuki sneered.

"I'll make your life hell." Todoroki said, continuing up the stairs.

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