The Plan

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~~ Bakugou’s POV ~~

Bakugou raced back to the dorms, past the groups of 1-A students that were sitting in the common room. He ran to his room, locking the door behind him. He knew that Deku and Kirishima would run after him but he really didn't feel like facing them at that moment.

Bakugou felt his throat closing up and the darkness that had been lurking in his mind since he himself was kidnapped, reaching its icy grip around his chest.

Katsuki didn't sit still, he couldn’t. Aizawa's words had stuck him and he knew that the pros would never let him on the mission. Bakugou grabbed a rucksack from his wardrobe and shoved some clothes into it. Katsuki quickly walked over to his desk and pulled out Ochacos necklace. He wasn’t sure how his plan was going to end, he didn’t know if The League would let him walk out with Ochaco.

Katsuki took a deep breath and sat at his desk, taking out one of his pens and a clean piece of paper, writing a short note before folding the paper and putting it inside the jewelry box. He tucked it away in his jumper pocket before standing up and thinking what else he had to pack. Hosu was a while away, so he had to go prepared but there was something else he needed. His hero costume.

Katsuki opened the door to his veranda, climbing over the railings and used his quirk to guide himself down to the ground. He didn't want to face the looks and questions that everyone would have if he went down through the common room.

Bakugou quickly made his way to 1-A's home room and grabbed his hero costume. When someone cleared their throat behind them. Bakugou snapped his head around to see Kirishima standing behind him.

"You again?" Bakugou snarled. "Get out of my way shitty hair." Katsuki tried to push past Kirishima.

"No, not this time." Kirishima responded, pushing back against Bakugou's shoulder. "Bakugou. I know that you want to save her but this isn't the way."

Bakugou growled. "I know where she is!" He shouted. "I can't just leave her there!" His eyes began to fill with tears.

"You're not leaving her there," Kirishima sighed. "The heros are going to get her but they need to plan how they get her, in the safest way possible." 

Katsuki shook his head. "And how long will that take? Huh, days? Weeks? Months? How long Kirishima?" Katsuki's emotions exploded, and tears fell in streams down his cheeks. Bakugou fists balled, his knuckles turning white.

"Is there nothing I can say to stop you from going?" Kirishima questioned. Katsuki shook his head. "Well you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them." Kirishima smirked.

"No, no way. I'm not risking your life too." Katsuki gritted his teeth.

Kirishima shrugged. “Either I go with you or you don’t go at all.” He responded cockily, folding his arms over his chest.

Katsuki growled at his friend, he knew deep down that he couldn’t save Ochaco alone and Kirishima would be a good hero to have at his side. Not like he would ever admit that to him. Bakugou locked his tired eyes with Kirishimas’ red ones. “Okay but the first sign of danger and you get out of there. That’s the only thing I ask of you,” Katsuki sighed. “Oh, and this.” He said, taking out the small box and handing it to Kirishima. “If something happens to me, give this to Ochaco?”

Kirishima took the box from Katsuki, cocking his brow at him. “If something happens to you? Bakugou, this is a simple rescue mission. We sneak in, grab Ochaco and sneak out again. We aren’t going to fight The League. At the first sign of danger I’m hauling your ass out of there and calling the pros. We shouldn’t even be going, I’m only going to stop you doing something rash.” 

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