The Confession

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"Hey pink cheeks, you better let me in before this food goes cold." Bakugou said, half smiling at her.

Ochaco opened the door wider to let Bakugou and his tray of wonderful smelling food in. She was stunned. 'Why is he here? Why did he bring me food. Is this the same Bakugou who faught me in the sports festival?' Ochako couldn't believe what she was seeing.

She quickly peeked her head out of the door to make sure this wasn't a prank.

"I'm here alone round face. Now get in here and eat this before it gets cold." Bakugou said, only just loud enough for her to hear. Like he didn't want people to know he was here. She shut the door behind her and walked towards Bakugou. She swallowed hard, this was the first time she had a boy in her room. (The first night in the dorms didn't count as that was for the contest.) 'Katsuki Bakugou is the first boy I've ever had in my room alone!' She internally yelled at herself.

Why did that knowledge fill Uraraka with delight? Why was she excited that he was in her room. Bakugou clearing his throat brought her mind back into the room.

"Its a nice night," she said barely above a whisper, "we should eat on the veranda."

Ochaco walked past the tall blond boy in her room without another word and opened the sliding glass door to her veranda. She had a small table and two chairs outside.

The late night air was cool and crisp. Ochaco took a deep breath in to clear her head. Had she lost her mind? Did she have a crush on Katsuki Bakugou? 'No. No that can't be it. He's Bakugou, big scary Bakugou who threatens to kill people on a regular basis!'

Bakugou walked past her and set the food down gently onto the small table.

"So... how are you feeling?" Bakugou said as he turned around and leaned on the table. He was looking at the floor and not at Oachaco. Like he was avoiding her gaze. His eyes still looked puffy and red, Ochaco couldn't help but notice.

"I'm fine thank you. Just a couple of bumps and scratches. Nothing major."
She paused.
"Bakugou? Can I ask you something."
"Please, call me Katsuki."
'Huh? By his given name? I dont think anyone in the class calls him by his given name.'

"Erm, sure. Bak-" She stopped herself. "Katsuki theres something I need to ask you." Ochaco took a small step forward, wanting to see if her eyes were deceiving her or not.

But before she could continue a gust of wind came from nowhere, and the cold got under Uraraka's skin. Making her shiver. Within seconds, Bakugou took off the zip up hoodie he was wearing and threw it over her shoulders. Closing the remaining gap between them. He was so close that she could feel his body heat.

'He so close to me. Why is he giving me his jacket. What on earth is going on.' Oachco thought to herself. She could feel her cheeks go red.
"What's your question Uraraka?" Bakugou said, tilting his head slightly to the right.
"When we got back I noticed that you were sat on your own. And it looked like you've been crying. My question is, were you worried about us?" Ochaco rushed to get the last words out of her mouth before it betrayed her. She met her gaze with his and it was clear he had indeed been crying.

"Of course not." Bakugou took a step away from Uraraka. The warmth from his body dissipated. He walked over the to edge of the varanda. Folded his arms on the railing and rested his chin on his arms. "I don't care about the other three idiots, I was only worried about you."

"Me?" She squeaked. 'Why would he be worried about me. What is going on.'

"Yes, you." He sighed. "We were all downstairs studying when Sparky came running downstairs yelling to put the TV on. We watched the news and just thought it was another pro hero thing. Until they said your hero names." Katsuki took long steady breaths as if not to get emotional.

Ochaco walked the short distance over to him, mimicking his actions and resting her head on her arms, only looking at Bakugou and not at the night sky.

"I didn't much care when I heard the other names but then they said 'Uravity' my heart sank." Bakugou closed his eyes and squeezed them together like he was holding back tears. "I made some excuse about it being lame and went back to my room, I turned my TV on, turned the volume down and watched in horror. They didn't give us any information about your well being or how injured you were."

Bakugou's eyes had started to betray him as tears started rolling down his cheeks. "I didn't know how badly you were hurt. I didn't know anything." He whispered.

He yelled out in frustration.

"I couldn't talk to anyone about it because no-one knows but just the thought of losing you, it crushed me. If something happened to you before I got the courage to tell how I feel. I would die." Bakugou pushed himself away from the railing, screwed his hands into balls and grabbed the sides of his head.
His body gave way completely as he crumbled to the floor. Sitting on his knees.

Ochaco didn't realise the she had moved until she was knelt in front of Bakugou. Her eyes full of worry. She moved her left hand up and touched his face. Tucking in her pinky finger, so not to activate her quirk on him.

"Katsuki, what are you trying to say?" Ochaco already knew but she needed to hear it. She needed him to tell her.

Bakugou moved his hand so it was covering hers. "I love you, Ochaco."


Thank you for reading chapter 2 of I Cant Lose you. I really hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!

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