The Meeting

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Katsuki stood there for a long time, watching her. She sat cross-legged on the edge of the water fountain, she looked so beautiful. She looked beautiful in her school uniform but this was something else, her hair shining in the morning sun, her hand splashing in the water beside to her. Bakugou hadn't noticed the time until she stood up, she looked upset. Katsuki looked at his watch '8:40 am' it read.

'Shit! She's going to think I stood her up! I can't believe I've been up for hours and I'm still late.' Katsuki thought angrily to himself. His clenched his fists that were in his jacket pockets. All his anger dissipated she Ochaco looked at him from the bottom of the hill. He could see that she was close to crying. 'This is all my fault! If I hadn't have been so selfish and told her I loved her last night, this wouldn't be happening. She wouldn't be crying over me, she'd be safe and blissfully ignorant.' 

"Hi, Angel Face." He called down to her, starting his descent down the hill towards her. He chewed the inside of his mouth, keeping his eye line to the ground. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was just - I was just admiring the view."

"What?" Ochaco said looking up at him.

Katsuki couldn't hide it from her. "I couldn't help but watch you from up there. You look. You look so beautiful and I couldn't stop myself from admiring you," Katsuki still had his eye low to the ground. Not wanting to look into Ochacos eyes, knowing what he was about to tell her. "Can we sit? I have a lot of stuff to tell you." He said before Ochaco could say anything.

Ochaco nodded and took a seat on the water fountain, like how she was before. Katsuki sat in front of her but his legs hung off the edge of the water fountain. He bit the inside of his cheek, taking a deep breath. "I don't know where to start but I will say that I'm only telling you this because you deserve the truth. I'm trying to protect you."

"Protect me?" Ochaco said softly.

"Yes. I know you must have a million questions but please stay with me until you know what's going on inside my head right now." Katsuki lifted his head. "I'll start from the beginning I suppose. I told you last night that I've loved you from the first day I saw you, on the entrance exam. I couldn't breath when I saw you for the first time. You looked so beautiful. I didn't say anything to you, because I didn't know if I was ever going to see you again."

Katsuki took his hands out of his pocket and turned to face Ochaco, sitting cross-legged in front of her. He knew that Kirishima would give him hell for 'not being man enough' to face her, and Katsuki really didn't want that.

"Then on the first day of school, when you walked into class. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have you in my class. I wanted to get to know you then but like I said last night. I'm not a very nice person to be around sometimes and I didn't want to upset you in any way because of my shitty attitude."

Katsuki took a breath. "Then when we were against each other in the mock battle. There was a reason I only went after Deku."

"Because you're rivals?" Ochaco said.

That made Katsuki smile. "Yeah kinda, I went after Deku because of our history, but also because I didn't want to unintentionally hurt you with my explosions. I could have hunted you down and tie the capture tape around your hands but I didn't want to fight you."

"Then you started hanging around with Four-Eyes and Deku, and I didn't see a good way to start talking to you because of how I had acted in the first couple of days. Then we were attacked at the USJ by the villains. When that red-haired loser and I got warped to the Ruins Zone, I didn't know where you were, I fought as hard as I could so I would find my way back to you. I didn't know if you got warped elsewhere or if you were still near the door with 13 and the other Extras. When I saw that you were safe, it felt like I could breathe again. That's when I knew I could go and help All Might fight the big bad guys."

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