The Imposter

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~~Back at the dorms. General POV~~

Katsuki paced backwards and forwards in the common room. 'She's late.' He thought to himself, he looked up again at the clock for the millionth time. The time was 9:15am, she only had permission to leave for two hours. "She should be back by now, Mr Aziawa is going to give her detention for a month."

"Dude, maybe she just stopped by the security office to let them know she's back. Chill." Kirishima said, trying to calm his friend.

"Yeah Kacchan. Maybe she's already back and you missed her?" Deku chimed in.

"I didn't miss her! I've already been up to her room and she's not here!" Katsuki yelled at the two.

"Something's happened to her. I can feel it." He mumbled, looking up at the clock once more.

Suddenly, the main doors to the dorms opened. Bakugou whipped his head around and saw Ochaco stood in the doorway, with a smile on her face. "Hey guys!" She called, waving.

"See Bakugou? I told you she'd be back soon." Kirishima said, leaning back on the sofa he was sat on.

"Shut up, shitty hair." Bakugou said, walking over to where Ochaco stood. Lightly placing his hands either side of her. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick." Katsuki spoke softly, so the other two couldn't hear.

Ochaco nodded. "Yeah, I'm great. Just got side tracked. I'm fine Bakugou, honest." She said smiling. 'Bakugou? Something's wrong. I need to know more.'

Bakugou forced a smile. "Well at least you're home now, Uraraka." Katsuki knew that if this was the real Ochaco, she would correct him or have some sort of reaction.

"I am." She smiled. Ochaco looked around Katsuki and her smile grew. "Hi Izuku!" She exclaimed, moving around Katsuki and jogging over to Deku. 'Izuku? She never calls him Izuku. That's not Ochaco.'

While the imposter was distracted with Deku, Katsuki grabbed Kirishima by the arm and pulled him into the kitchen area.

"Kirishima, we need to talk." Katsuki said quietly.

"Wow you used my name and didn't insult me. Must be serious." Kirishima rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, dumb hair." Bakugou snarled.

"And we're back to insults," Kirishima sighed. "Whats up?"He questioned.

"Something's happened to Ochaco." Katsuki replied, nodding his head towards where 'Ochaco' and Deku stood talking. His blood was beginning to boil.

"Bro what do you mean? She's fine, she's right here." Kirishima said, looking back towards Ochaco and Deku then back to Katsuki.

Katsuki clenched his jaw, he hung his head and shook it. "No," he said softly. "No, that's not Ochaco. That's not my girlfriend." Katsuki raised his head and looked into his best friend's eyes. "Do you not think she's acting weird?"

Kirishima pouted and shrugged his shoulders. "Not really man? Like maybe it's a little odd that she's late back but I can't say I notice anything massive."

Katsuki growled in frustration, slamming his palm onto the kitchen counter.

"Hey dude! Calm down." Kirishima stated, glancing at the others, that were dotted around the room, to see if they noticed the outburst.

"No, no I won't calm down!" Katsuki shouted.

"Hey is everything okay in here?" A voice sounded in the doorway to the kitchen. Katsuki looked up to see Deku stood in the door.

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