The Return

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"They're back everyone, they're back!" Mineta yelled as Ochaco, Deku, Asui and Kirishima walked through the doors to the main common room in the dorms. That's when everyone swarmed them. All but Katsuki Bakugo and Fumikage Tokoyami. Bakugo was sitting on one of the many sofas that littered the common room and Tokoyami was nowhere to be seen.

The group, who were all exhausted from their battles with Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai. Even though their bodies had recovered from their injuries they were still mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. Toru wrapped her arms around Ochaco's and Asui's necks as she exclaimed. "We were all so worried! We saw everything on the news!" Semi choking the two girls.

Mina was behind Toru trying to get as much information out of Ochaco and Asui as she could. 'Goodness Mina can talk.' Ochaco thought to herself, all she wanted to do was grab some food and head to her room. She was beat.

As Mina continued on with her 300th question Ochaco looked around the dorms. Happy to be home, when her eyes landed on Bakugou, who was sat alone, not bothering anyone. That wouldn't usually bother Ochaco as that was just how Bakugou was but she could see something in his eyes, He looked sad, like he'd been crying.

"No, that's impossible. Bakugou doesn't cry." Ochaco thought, wondering.
"Earth to Ochaco!" Mina yelled waving her hand in front of her friends face.

Uraraka snapped her eyes back to the pink girl and said, "Hi! sorry my mind wandered, I'm... I'm just super tired that's all. I think I'm going to head to bed." Uraraka gave Mina a weak smile, feeling bad for ignoring her friend.

"Oh right, yeah of course you are," Mina banged her palm off her forehead, "Sorry, I shouldn't be firing 100 questions at you right now, you must be fried!"

Ochaco laughed. "Yeah a little but I'll tell you tomorrow how bad ass these guys were." She pointed her thumb behind her to indicate the other three.

"You were awesome too Uraraka!" Deku squeaked up.
She smiled at him. "Thanks but I don't feel I did all that much." She said rubbing her shoulder with her hand. "Anyway, good night everyone!" She shouted as she walked away from the group towards the stairs that led to the upper floors of the dorms. Uraraka took the stairs two at a time so she would reach her room quicker.

Once Ochaco got to the fourth floor, she took out her room keys from her blazer pocket. Unlocking the door to her small and minimalistic room.
It wasn't like she wanted it minimalistic but with her parents having their own business and not being financially stable it was all she could afford. It wasn't like they were short for cash but Ochaco learned fast on how to save as much money as she could to help her parents.

Uraraka flicked on her bedroom light and walked across the room to change into her PJ's. She took off her blazer and tie and hung them in her wardrobe, when she heard a knocking on her door. 'Strange. I wonder who it could be. It might be Mina or Asui come to check on me.'

Ochaco opened her door to find Katsuki Bakugou standing there with a tray of food.

"Hey pink cheeks" He said with his crooked half smile.


Thank you for reading the first part of my first ever fanfiction. I'm really happy with how this turned out. I've been a little nervous to post this as I didn't know I'd anyone would read it. Anyway thanks!

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