The Aftermath - Uraraka

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~This Chapter starts where we left off in Chapter 3, Katsuki has just walked out on Ochaco~

'Why?' Ochaco thought to herself. Before she slid down the wall next to her door, crying softly. Not knowing what she did wrong.

She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face in her hands.

'I messed up. I must have messed up somehow because he wouldn't have just left, right?' Ochaco couldn't breathe. She was crying so hard it made her breathless. She finally admitted, not only to Katsuki but to herself, that she loved him.

She could hear someone talking behind her door. She wondered if it was Katsuki arguing with himself to come back in.

"I need to speak to him. I need to say sorry for everything." She muttered to herself between sobs. She grabbed the hoodie that was still in her lap, putting it on because she was still cold.
The smell of Katsuki's cologne hit her nose as she took a deep breath to calm her thoughts.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, took a second to compose herself and stood up, using the wall behind her for balance.

She walked over to her desk, grabbed a clean scrap of paper and the nearest pen. A purple gel pen that smelt like grapes.

She neatly wrote down her phone number and put 'Text me - Ochaco xx' She didn't really mean to put the kisses but it was just a habit. She folded the paper and marched to her door. Pressed down on the handle and pulled it towards her, peeping out to make sure no one saw her.

She quickly and quietly made the short journey to Katsukis door. Ochaco never though of what her next move would be. Would she knock and hand it to him? or slide it under his door?

"No, I can't knock and give it to him, that would be stupid. Plus I don't know I if i want to see him right now." She grumbled under her breath. Her eyebrows furrowed together. "I mean, of course I want to see him again, I just- I just need time to clear my head and figure out what the next step for us is." Ochaco shook her head, waking herself from her trance. She crouched down to slip the paper under the door into Katsuki's room, and as she slid it in half way she heard shifting behind it. Ochaco panicked. Thinking Katsuki had heard a noise outside and is coming to investigate, finding her outside his door just after he ran out. 'This is it Ochaco, fight or flight. Either face Katsuki head on or run and hide. Choose.'

'I choose flight.' Ochaco thought. Activating her quirk on herself to make her move quicker. She dived behind a large plant pot in the hallway. Releasing her quirk so she fell to the ground softly. She peeked around the large plant to see that Katsuki left his room and headed away from her in the direction of Kirishima's door.
Good he hadn't seen or heard her.

He knocked on Kirishima's door quite aggressively. When the door opened Katsuki didn't wait for an invitation, he just walked in. Ochaco could hear some mumbling, most likely from Kirishima who was  probably sleeping. Kirishima's door closed quietly behind him. The coast was clear

Ochaco snuck back into her room. Her body humming with adrenaline and energy, Tonight had been one hell of a rollercoaster for her. But now that she was back in the quiet of her room, still wearing Katsuki's jumper, there was only one person Ochaco could to talk to about everything. Her best friend, Tsu.

Ochaco grabbed her phone from the bedside table where she left it and found Tsu's number in her phone. She hesitated for a second, not wanting to wake her friend if she was sleeping but she had to talk to someone before she exploded. Tsu would understand.

Ochaco pressed the green call button and brought the phone to her ear. It rang a couple of times before it was picked up. "Hello?" Tsu said.

"Hi, I didn't wake you did I?" Ochaco apologised.

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