The End (???)

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Katsuki's POV - 15 Hours

Dawn was just breaking by the time the helicopter, which was carrying Katsuki, Kirishima, Ochaco, and a very silent Aizawa made it back to UA.

After the short, uncomfortable journey home, Aizawa sensei chewed Katsuki and Kirishima out for going to rescue Ochaco without permission.

And potentially risking her life, as well as their own.

Once Aizawa let them go, having put them both on house arrest for a couple of days, Katsuki was allowed to see Ochaco in the hospital wing. Recovery Girl had already healed most of her injuries but her arms were still bandaged up. Aizawa stated that she had sustained third degree burns on her forearms. Sensei said that it was likely the work of Dabi.

'I'll kill that bastard when I get my hands on him.'

Ochaco was sitting up in bed, eating some biscuits that Recovery Girl had given her.

"Hey beautiful." Katsuki smiled as he made his way over to her bed and sat facing her.

"My hero," Ochaco returned a smile to Katsuki, before her expression dropped, revealing a sad and somber face. "I'm so sorry I ruined our anniversary." She said softly, tears beginning to build up in her eyes.

Katsuki took Ochaco by the hands and softly stroked them with his thumbs.

"It's not your fault Ochaco. You have to know that right? You couldn't have stopped what happened," Katsuki sighed, gently pulling Ochaco into an embrace.

Softly, Ochaco began to cry into Katsuki's shoulder. She wrapped her damaged arms around his waist.

"Don't cry, my love. Everything will be alright, I promise. You're home now and they can't hurt you anymore. If anyone should be sorry it should be me. I put you in danger the moment I told you my true feelings." Bakugou tightened his grip around Ochaco's small frame, fearing that this was all a dream and she would disappear from in his arms.

Ochaco sniffled and pulled away from Bakugou's hug. "I wouldn't have changed it for the world Katsuki," Ochaco gingerly lifted her hands and cupped Katsuki's face. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all my heart. I wouldn't trade you in if it meant I was safe."

Ochaco's words cut deep into Katsuki's soul. Knowing the deal he just made to ensure her safety was heartbreaking.

Suddenly a small voice spoke out from behind Bakugou.

"I'm sorry young man but I must check Uraraka's bandages and change them. You may stay for a little longer but then I must ask that you return to your dorm." Recovery Girl said calmly.

"Can he not stay here?" Ochaco squeaked.

Recovery Girl shook her head. "I am afraid he cannot. This young man is under house arrest for breaking the rules."

Bakugou got off the bed and out of Recovery Girl's way while she changed Ochaco's bandages on her arms.

Her skin was black, charred, in the unmistakable shape of palm prints.

'Oh he is so fucking dead!' Katsuki yelled to himself.

"They will heal, young Uraraka. They will scar but I promise they will heal and you'll be able to use them again in time." Recovery Girl said as she cleaned Ochaco's wounds and rebound them in fresh gauze around her arms. Ochaco sucked in air the whole time Recovery Girl was messing with her arms.

Once she had finished, Recovery Girl turned to Bakugou. "Now sir, I believe it is time you said your goodbyes and headed back to the dorms. Uraraka will be back in the morning."

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