Chapter 19

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Sam looked closely at the clue again as it appeared across the screen a second time. "So grace is hidden well. It says in after hidden so, what does that mean?" Sam asks." "In after hidden..... You're in something after being hidden? I have know idea." Alana responds. "Maybe it means to add in after the word hidden." Sam suggests. " that would mean that so far....the clue would be 'Grace=Hidden in well.' Which actually is starting to make sense! What is the next part of the clue?" Alana asks. "A after hidden." Sam says. "So now we have to add a after hidden....which makes 'Grace=hidden in a well.' "Alana says. "So the next clue is in a well. Grace obviously can't be hidden in the well because the next clue is actually in the well. It's just the way Mark worded it." "Right. So we search all of the wells around town?" Alana asks. "Well, there is the local well in the center of the Bakery Plaza. I'd say we search there, that's the most known well around here, and it's huge!" Sam says. "Great idea!" Alana says. "It's really late though. We should go back home and sleep, then we'll search first thing in the morning." Sam says. "And yet another great idea." Alana says.
They drive home in the car and stop for some food on the way home. Sam drops off Alana and leaves for home.

Alana walked through the door. She heard three voices that she could identify. Her dad's, her brother's, and her mom's! Her mom was finally home! "Sorry I'm a little late guys, I know I was supposed to be home yesterday, but my flight got delayed!" Her mom explained. "I can't believe you're finally here!" Alana said excitedly. "Yep! I missed you guys so much!" Says Caroline (Alana's mom.)
After celebrating, Everybody went to bed. Alana and Carter would leave tomorrow with their mom back home in the afternoon. Alana didn't know if she was excited or slightly sad to leave her dad's house.

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