Chapter 2

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15 days later
Alana woke up and got dressed, today she and her brother Carter would go to her Dad's house. She packed her things, she usually stayed for about three to four days. Her mom honked the horn from outside, Alana quickly grabbed her things and ran to the car. Carter was already in the car. She hopped in and her mom pulled out. Since her dad only lived ten minutes away, the car trip was quick. She knocked on her Dad's door and waited. She could hear footsteps, someone was approaching the door; her father. He opened the door and greeted her and Carter. They stepped inside, her father's house was huge. Spike ran up to Alana and started sniffing her shoes and jumping up on her. Spike was Alana's dad's dog. He was a Dachshund mixed with a black lab.As Spike ran away, Alana saw all of the Christmas decorations, there were so many. Spike laid down by the fire place near the decorations and watched Alana as she walked to the spare bedroom. The whole house was so beautiful, especially the spare bedroom. Alana loved the way it always looked during Christmas. Carter went to the second spare room, which was smaller than the other.Her mom soon left the house. Alana stayed in the spare bedroom on her phone listening to music. She twirled her blond hair, it was a habit of hers, she did it randomly all the time. The screen lit up her face as she searched through Instagram. A few hours later a text message appeared on the top of her screen from her mom. "Work calls. I'm going to Florida for work for three weeks. That means you and your brother will be spending Christmas with your father, and staying with him another three weeks." Alana wanted to cry, she hated knowing that she'd be stuck with her dad. Just hearing his name made her angry. "Maximus Cambridge" she didn't take her dad's last name, she took her mom's. She liked it much better. It was either Alana Cambridge or Alana Smith. She'd rather have her mother's name than her father's name. Carter also took their mom's name. Alana didn't talk to her dad the whole first day there. She just fell asleep with Spike.

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